Vacation, Abandonment, and Transfer Of
Previously dedicated easements and right of way

The City of Vinton City Council has scheduled a Public Hearing on the proposed vacation and abandonment of previously dedicated and accepted easements and the vacation and transfer of previously dedicated and accepted street right of way, all of same located within Anderson Creek Estates, First Addition to the City of Vinton, Iowa, and described as follows:

Easement proposed to be vacated and abandoned: Part of Lot 10, Anderson Creek First Addition to the City of Vinton, Iowa described as follows:

Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot 10, Anderson Creek First Addition to the City of Vinton, Iowa; Thence N 01°03’46” W along West line of said Lot 10 a distance of 47.01 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a Westerly line of said Lot 10, 129.11 feet along the arc of a 148.00 foot radius curve concaved Southeasterly (Chord bears N 23°55’41” E a distance of 125.06 feet); Thence S 41°04’41” E a distance of 10.00 feet; Thence Southwesterly a distance of 120.40 feet along the arc of a 138.00 foot radius curve concaved Southeasterly and parallel with said Westerly line (Chord bears S 23°55’50” W a distance of 116.61 feet); Thence S 01°03’46” E and parallel with said West line to the South line of said Lot 10 a distance of 47.01 feet; Thence S 88°56’14” W along said South line of Lot 10 to the Point of Beginning a distance of 10.00 feet.

Said easement contains 0.04 acre, subject to easements and restrictions of record.

Outlot A, Anderson Creek Estates First Addition to the City of Vinton, Iowa

Right of Way proposed to be vacated and transferred: Part of the Right of Way of Homecoming Court in Anderson Creek Estates First Addition to the City of Vinton, Iowa described as follows:

Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot 10, Anderson Creek Estates First Addition to the City of Vinton, Iowa; Thence S 88°56’14” W along the Southerly line of the Right of Way of Homecoming Court to the Westerly line of said Right of Way a distance of 50.00 feet; Thence N 01°03’46” W along said West Right of Way a distance of 47.01 feet; Thence Northerly along said West Right of Way 29.95 feet along the arc of a 198.00 foot radius curve concaved Easterly (Chord bears N 03°16’13” E a distance of 29.91 feet); Thence N 49°13’53” E to the East Right of Way of said Homecoming Court and a Westerly line of said Lot 10 a distance of 130.73 feet; Thence Southwesterly along said East Right of Way and said Westerly line of said Lot 10, 129.11 feet along the arc of a 148.00 foot radius curve concaved Southeasterly (Chord bears S 23°55’41” W a distance of 125.06 feet); Thence S 01°03’46″E along said East Right of Way and the West line of said Lot 10 to the Point of Beginning a distance of 47.01 feet.

Said parcel contains 0.125 acre, subject to easements [and] restrictions of record.
The Council proposes to transfer the vacated right-of-way to the Virginia Gay Trust after the receipt and consideration of public comment.

The public hearing will be held on the 13th day of October, 2022 at seven o’ clock p.m., before the Vinton City Council at Vinton City Hall, 110 W 3rd Street, Vinton, Iowa. After acceptance of public comment, if any, and closing of the public hearing, the City Council may act upon the proposal to abandon, vacate, and transfer said property.

Any person may appear at the Public Hearing to comment on the proposed action and/or may submit written comments in advance of the Public Hearing by delivery of same to the City Clerk’s Office, at Vinton City Hall, during regular business hours, or by mailing to the City of Vinton at PO Box 529, Vinton, Iowa, 52349, or by email to [email protected], on or before the date and time of the Public Hearing.
Melissa Schwan, City Clerk; City of Vinton, Iowa