DECEMBER 12, 2024
A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held at 7:00pm on the 12th day of December 2024 in City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Pro Tem Stark-Mahood presided with the following Council members present: Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Recker & Stark-Mahood.
Motion by Hessenius, seconded by Parmater to approve the agenda as presented. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried.
Motion by Hessenius, seconded by Elwick to approve the consent agenda as presented. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried. Items on the consent agenda are to receive & file Council meeting minutes of November 25, 2024, receive & file Sanitary Survey of Public Water Supply from Iowa DNR and approval of City invoices.
Communications, Petitions or Remonstrances
The City Council received an email from After Dark Tourism regarding local/community benefits of their business.
Committee Reports
The public safety committee met prior to the Council meeting to discuss a request for designated parking spaces. Another meeting will be scheduled to continue the discussion.
Citizens Input – None
School Resource Officer Cory Nesbitt shared an update with the Council regarding his role and activities and initiatives within the Vinton Shellsburg School District.
Old Business – None
New Business
Motion by Elwick, seconded by Parmater to approve pay estimate #10 to Woodruff Construction for WWTP improvements. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Recker & Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.
Motion by Recker, seconded by Parmater to approve change order #3 for WWTP improvements. After brief discussion, more information was needed. The motion and second were withdrawn. Motion by Hessenius, seconded by Parmater to table the item until the next meeting.
Motion by Parmater, seconded by Hessenius to approve a quote from TEAM Services for Contract Drilling Services as part of the East 3rd Street Sewer project. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Recker & Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.
Motion by Elwick, seconded by Parmater to approve the Vinton Veterans Memorial Airport capital improvement plan. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Recker & Stark-Mahood. Motion carried. The capital improvement plan needs to be approved to qualify for federal funds but does not obligate the City to the projects.
Jeremy Sills, representing Iowa Land Management, was present to visit with the Council regarding the City farm lease surrounding the sewer plant. Approximately 12 acres have come out of production due to the plant expansion. A new lease will need to be negotiated for the upcoming year.
Dan McCann, representing Benton County Title Company was present to visit with Council regarding the west exterior wall of the Title Company. Being the City now owns the adjacent lot, the City has a partial ownership interest in the wall. The City Council directed City Administrator Ward to work with the City Attorney to prepare a deed to transfer ownership of the wall to the Title Company.
City Administrator Ward shared a letter he has drafted for Congresswoman Ashley Hinson regarding potential funding for an emergency services facility. Council directed Ward to send the letter when timing is appropriate.
Holiday with a Cop is scheduled for this weekend. Ward had visited with the Board of Supervisors regarding the speed limit on 2nd Avenue/25th Avenue however the Supervisors were not receptive to amending the speed limit. A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 19 at 5:00pm with Hobarts to discuss the expiring development agreement.
With no other business before the Council, motion by Hessenius, seconded by Parmater to adjourn. Unanimously approved. Time: 8:10pm