OCTOBER 10, 2024

A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 10th day of October 2024 in City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Maynard presided with the following Council members present: Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood; Hessenius was absent.

Motion by Stark-Mahood, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve the agenda as presented. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve the consent agenda as presented. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried. Items on the consent agenda include receive & file Council meeting minutes of September 26, 2024, receive & file Parks & Recreation meeting minutes of September 12, 2024 and approval of City invoices.

Communications, Petitions or Remonstrances
Several Council members and City staff received an email from a resident regarding water and sewer billing.

Committee Reports
A work session and committee meeting was held prior to the Council meeting to discuss the Seed House project and dogs at-large.

Citizens Input – None

Old Business
Motion by Parmater, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve the third consideration of ordinance 1101 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to pedestrians’ right-of-way. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Parmater to adopt ordinance 1101. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve the third consideration of ordinance 1102 – an ordinance adding a new section pertaining to adult establishment nuisances. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Parmater, seconded by Pflughaupt to adopt ordinance 1102. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve the third consideration of ordinance 1103 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to electronic meetings. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Parmater to adopt ordinance 1103. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve the third consideration of ordinance 1104 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to operating budget preparation. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Parmater to adopt ordinance 1104. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Elwick to approve the third consideration of ordinance 1105 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to publication of minutes. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Parmater to adopt ordinance 1105. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Parmater, seconded by Stark-Mahood to approve the third consideration of ordinance 1106 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to bond requirements. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Parmater to adopt ordinance 1106. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve the third consideration of ordinance 1107 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to fire officials’ authority to cite violations. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Parmater to adopt ordinance 1107. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve the second consideration of ordinance 1108 – an ordinance adding new subsections regarding stop signs. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried. Five stop signs will be added in the area of J Avenue near the former Braille School campus.

Administrator Ward shared an updated draft of an ordinance amending City code section 69.06.17 related to parking. The draft will be on the next Council agenda for consideration.

New Business
Motion by Stark-Mahood, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve acceptance of West 1st Street Reconstruction project with Rathje Construction. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve a resolution proposing transfer/sale of an interest in real property by sale and setting a public hearing. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried. A public hearing will be held October 24 at 7:00pm to dispose of City property located at 107 W 6th Street. The Clerk is directed to public notice.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Elwick to approve a resolution approving request for abatement of accrued property taxes and exemption from taxation on property owned by the City of Vinton from date of city acquisition forward. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried. Administrator Ward will visit with the Benton County Supervisors about abating property taxes on the land owned by the City at 110 E 4th Street.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Recker to approve acceptance of grant agreement with the Iowa DOT for Runway 34 Obstruction Mitigation project at the Vinton Veterans Memorial Airport. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve pay estimate #8 to Woodruff Construction for the WWTP improvements. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried. The project is approximately 26% complete.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve change order #2 for WWTP improvements. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Stark-Mahood, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve sidewalk reimbursement for 1307 C Avenue. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried.

Motion by Stark-Mahood, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve the special event application for Lighted Holiday Parade on November 21, 2024. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve the special event application for Spooktacular Parade on October 26, 2024. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Recker to approve the special event application for Bright Lights on 4th on June 7, 2025. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried.

Due to Thanksgiving, the 2nd Council meeting in November is rescheduled to Monday, November 25, 2024 at 7:00pm.

Administrator Ward reported staff walked through J Avenue this week. A few items remain. A preconstruction meeting for the airport AWOS system is next week. Police Captain Parmater reported an officer will be attending drug recognition training in Florida next week thanks to funding from the State. Matt Boggess reported staff is working on winterizing facilities for the winter. Boggess and Ward met with an architect about a new Rec Center. They are waiting for a proposal. Clerk Schwan reported fall clean up days numbers were down but went well. The old chipper truck has sold. A work session is scheduled for October 24 at 6:30 to discuss the request for a pocket park downtown.

Good & Welfare
The annual Fire Department breakfast is this weekend. Anna Demuth, North Benton Ambulance Director has won an award. The Middle School is having a fundraiser at McDonalds on October 24.
With no other business before the Council, motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to adjourn. Unanimously approved. Time: 7:45pm.