JULY 12, 2023

A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa on the 12th day of July, 2023 in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Maynard presided and the roll being called the following members were present: Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark; Parmater was absent.

Motion by Hessenius, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve the agenda as presented. Question: Ayes – all. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Gates, seconded by Elwick to approve the consent agenda. Question: Ayes – all. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda include receive & file Council meeting minutes of June 22, 2023, receive & file Airport commission minutes of June 21, 2023, approval of Class C retail alcohol license for Berry’s Lanes, approval of City invoices.

Communications, Petitions or Remonstrances
The Council received two written requests from Dakoda Sellers.

Committee Reports
The Rental Code Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday, August 2nd from 6:00 to 7:30pm in City Hall. Mayor Maynard asked the Committee to have an agenda and mission statement drafted prior to the first meeting.

Citizens Input
Sri & Jimmy Wheeler, Sue Hart, Colleen Karrick and Lindsey Thibadeau, all owners of businesses on 4th Street, spoke of concerns with the Bright Lights on 4th event held downtown and the negative impact on their business.

Dakoda Sellers requested that video recordings of City Council meetings be posted online.

Rylie Pflughaupt spoke in frustration regarding accusations of the City not conducting business transparently.

Darran Sellers voiced concern over incorrect minutes from a meeting earlier this spring.

Kevin Schlarbaum addressed concerns regarding the 2023 Bright Lights on 4th event and how plans can be adapted for the 2024 event. Melody Snow, Vinton Unlimited, also spoke on this.

Stacey Glew spoke on behalf of Sharon Kos. There is still substantial misunderstanding regarding what size of garage can be constructed on the lot. Maynard asked City staff to follow up with Ms. Glew and Ms. Kos.

Old Business
Motion by Gates, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve the second consideration of ordinance 1084 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to solid waste collection fees. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried. This will increase garbage rates to $15.65.

Motion by Gates, seconded by Stark to approve the second consideration of ordinance 1085 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to the planning and zoning commission. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried.

Motion by Stark, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve the second consideration of ordinance 1086 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to flood plain management. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried.

New Business
Motion by Gates, seconded by Elwick to approve an agreement for professional services for Fehr Graham for S Avenue/West 4th Street Extension. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried.

Motion by Gates, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve a proposal for contract drilling services for Team Services for Budd’s Lift Station. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried.

Motion by Gates, seconded by Elwick to approve an agreement for construction engineering services for Fehr Graham for West 1st Street improvements. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried.

Motion by Stark, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve a partial pay estimate #1 for the B Avenue sewer extension project. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried.

Motion by Gates, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve a temporary construction easement agreement between Elwick Electric and the City of Vinton. Question: Ayes – Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.; Abstain – Elwick. Motion carried. This is to allow for temporary relocation of items on top of the water during the repainting project.

Motion by Gates, seconded by Stark to approve a resolution to approve a memorandum of understanding between the Iowa Department of Revenue and the City of Vinton regarding the State Setoff Program. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Gates to approve a resolution to update the business improvement grant program. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried. The maximum award of the grant is increased to $2,000.00.

Motion by Gates, seconded by Hessenius to approve the special event application for Bright Lights on 4th for June 8, 2024. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve the special event application for Boom-Fest on August 26, 2023. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion carried.

Mayor Maynard asked for the business type activities committee to meet and discuss plans for fall cleanup days with S&J Sanitation. Maynard also asked for the general government committee to meet to discuss recording of council meetings.

Good & Welfare
The preconstruction meeting for West 1st Street is scheduled for next week.

With no other business before the Council, motion by Hessenius, second by Pflughaupt to adjourn. Approved unanimously. Time: 8:00pm.