JANUARY 27, 2022

The City Council of the City of Vinton, Iowa met in regular session on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 110 W 3rd Street with the following members in attendance:

Present: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark
Absent: None

Mayor Maynard administered the Oath of Office to Police Sergeant David Lira.

Motion by Stark, second by Gates to approve the agenda as presented. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Bearbower, second by Pflughaupt to approve the consent agenda as presented. Approved unanimously. Items on the consent agenda are to receive & file Council meeting minutes of January 13, 2022 and approval of City invoices.

Communications, Petitions & Remonstrances – None

Committee Reports
Work sessions were held January 26, 2022 and just prior to this meeting to discuss a proposed development of Remington Seed building and surrounding area and progress on the IBSSS campus, respectively. The first budget work session was held with department heads on January 20, 2022.

Citizens Input
Colman Silbernagel, rural Vinton, introduced himself to Council as a candidate for Iowa State Senate.

Old Business
Motion by Gates, second by Hessenius to approve the third consideration of Ordinance 1071 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending provisions pertaining to zoning regulations. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to adopt the above stated ordinance. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Stark, second by Elwick to approve a quote for concrete work in Kiwanis Park from C&S Concrete. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. VPRD Director Boggess confirmed that the quote did include time and material for the project.

New Business
Motion by Pflughaupt, second by Hessenius to approve a quote for a City Hall HVAC unit. The lowest bidder is not in good standing with the City. The next responsive, responsible bidder was Edwards Plumbing and Heating. Motion by Hessenius to amend the motion to approve a quote from Edwards Plumbing and Heating for two HVAC systems at a cost of $18,140.00, second by Gates. The amendment and second was accepted with the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Mayor Maynard called for a vote on the amended motion – Yes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Motion approved.

Motion by Stark, second by Gates to approve the quote from Weidner Construction for the WWTP gearbox installation in the amount of $13,500. After brief discussion, the respective motions were withdrawn.

Motion by Hessenius, second by Pflughaupt to approve a quote from Weidner Construction for the WWTP gearbox installation in the amount not to exceed $8,500.00 and with the removal of the crane item from the bid. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Stark, second by Gates to forward the plat of survey for lot 16 in Anderson Creek Estates onto the Planning and Zoning Commission for review. Unanimously approved.

Thirty years ago, the City of Vinton and Mr. Leon Whelchel entered into an agreement for a hanger at the Vinton airport. The construction of the hanger was financed by Whelchel with the agreement the hanger would become property of the City after 30 years. The original lease agreement has expired and Whelchel has indicated he’d like to continue to rent out the hanger. No action was taken, the topic was sent onto the General Government committee to discuss and make a recommendation back to the City Council at a future meeting.

Building Inspector Hansen presented photos to the City Council from the latest structural report for the property at 201 1st Avenue (the Seed House). Hansen has been in contact with the property owners attorney about the state of the property. The single-story portion is structurally unsafe and warrants demolition.

Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Craig Merchant as VMEU/VMCU trustee for a term ending December 2023. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Gates, second by Pflughaupt to accept the Mayor’s appointment of Dakoda Sellers, Tami Stark and Dennis Lausar to the Building & Housing Board of Appeals for a term ending December 2025. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Pflughaupt, second by Bearbower to approve the appointment of Leon Whelchel (term ending December 2026) and Michael Wayson (term ending December 2027) to the Airport Commission. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Pflughaupt, second by Gates to approve the appointment of Mark Noe to the Airport Zoning Commission for a term ending December 2027. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to approve the appointment of Valerie Bearbower to the Benton County Community Foundation to a term ending December 2024. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Pflughaupt, second by Gates to approve the appointment of Tami Stark to Benton Development Group for a term ending December 2025. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Bearbower, second by Gates to approve the appointment of Tami Stark to the Hotel Motel Tax Revenue Committee with Vinton Unlimited for a term ending December 2025. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Pflughaupt, second by Stark to approve the appointment of Ted Paxton to the Benton County 911 Board. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Gates, second by Pflughaupt, to approve the appointment of Chris Ward to the Benton County Emergency Management Board. Approved by the following votes: Bearbower, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

The appointment of Tami Stark to the Landfill Commission died with a lack of a motion.

Mayor Maynard set the date for the public hearing on the maximum property tax levy or FY23 for February 10, 2022 at 7:00pm in City Hall.

City Administrator Ward reminded Council the next budget work session is scheduled for February 3, 2022 beginning at 5pm. Ward has been talking with a property owner about a possible water leak on 5th Street and B Avenue. Congratulations to Cheryl McLaughlin on her retirement!

Water/Wastewater Walker reported he had visited Waverly and Cedar Falls Utilities to see how their collector system works. It would be his goal to partner with the Electric department and install a collector system around town for water and electric meters. Walker hasn’t heard from V&K lately on the status of design for the new sewer plant.

Parks & Recreation Director Boggess reported basketball is starting soon. The first winter BINGO night is this Sunday from 5-7pm.

Attorneys Doug Herman and Holly Corkery have been working on the employee handbook and the first round of union negotiations. Herman has also been busy with Inspector Hansen and various nuisance violations.

City Clerk Schwan reported the position of Payroll Clerk is currently posted and will be open until filled.

Good & Welfare
BINGO night is Sunday from 5-7pm, come out and play!

With no other business before the Council, motion by Gates, second by Pflughaupt to adjourn. Unanimously approved.