AUGUST 22, 2024

A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 22nd day of August 2024 in the City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Maynard presided and the roll being called the following members were present: Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker – Absent: Stark-Mahood.

Motion by Parmater, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve the agenda as presented. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried.

Motion by Parmater, seconded by Elwick to approve the consent agenda as presented. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried. Items on the consent agenda include receive & file Council meeting minutes of August 8, 2024, receive & file Library meeting minutes of July 10, 2024, approval of class C retail alcohol license for Ron-da-Voo, approval of amendment to special class C retail native wine license for The Niche and approval of City invoices.

Communications, Petitions or Remonstrances
Council received a petition from Patrick Horst, property owner of 303 1st Avenue regarding designed parking spaces for his business.

Committee Reports
A work session was held prior to the council meeting to discuss designated parking spaces. A recommendation will be made at a future council meeting.

Citizens Input
Scott Hansen, 807 1st Avenue inquired about purchasing a City owned vacant lot on West 6th Street. Hansen owns the adjoining parcel. A business-type activities meeting will be scheduled to discuss.

Old Business – None

New Business
Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve a resolution approving plat: Anderson Fourth Subdivision. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker. Motion carried. Approval is at the unanimous recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission.

Motion by Parmater, seconded by Elwick to approve a quote from Tomlinson Cannon for gutter replacement on City Hall. After discussion, the motion and seconded were rescinded. City staff will follow up with the contractor regarding the fascia on the building.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Recker to approve a request for painting of a City Hall mural. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker. Motion carried. Dandeena Schadle and Anita Gordon were present to explain their idea to continue the interactive murals around Vinton by painting a mural on the small diagonal wall of the City Hall building. The painting will be done as part of their Back Alley Evening of the Arts event to be held in September.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve a special event application for Back Alley Evening of the Arts – September 28, 2024. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Parmater, seconded by Recker to approve a special event application for Benton County Historic Preservation Flea Market – September 28, 2024. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Parmater to approve a business improvement grant award to the American Legion George G. Luckey Post 57. Unanimously approved.

Council received & filed the Iowa DNR Wastewater Treatment Facility Inspection Report.

Administrator Ward reported he will be attending a conference in September. He was been working with the post office mailboxes for Anderson Creek. Scott Meyer reported the Street Department has about 6 blocks of seal coating left to finish for the year. Matt Boggess reported fall sports registration is open, summer staff is finishing up for the year. Next week will be the annual shutdown week for the department to clean their facilities.

Good & Welfare
School is starting, travel safely!

With no other business before the Council, motion by Hessenius, seconded by Pflughaupt to adjourn. Unanimously approved. Time: 7:35pm.