1-646-558-8656 or 1-301-715-8592 or 1-312-626-6799 or 1-669-900-9128 or
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  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approve agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of November 12, 2020
    b. Approve invoices
    c. Receive & file the Vinton Public Library meeting minutes of October 14, 2020.
    d. Receive & file the Parks & Recreation Board meeting minutes of October 8, 2020
    e. Receive & file the Vinton Airport Commission meeting minutes of November 18, 2020
  5. Receive and file communications & petitions or remonstrances
  6. Committee Reports
  7. Citizen’s Input (Council will not take any action on public comments at this meeting,
    but may do so at a future meeting. Please limit presentation to 3 minutes.)
  8. Old Business
    a. Second consideration of an ordinance amending provisions regulating the operation of utility vehicles
    b. Public hearing for lease purchase agreement for 2 trucks for the Water Department
    c. Approval of resolution for lease purchase of 2 trucks for the Water Department
    d. Public hearing for lease purchase agreement for 2021 Police Ford Interceptor
    e. Approval of resolution for lease purchase of 2021 Police Ford Interceptor
    f. Approve City Hall roof repairs
    g. Approve Change Order #1 for Baker Enterprises for South Trail Improvements
    h. Approval of Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Official job posting
  9. New Business
    a. Approval of service body with lift gate for Water Department
    b. Approval of service body without lift gate for Water Department
    c. Approval to release insurance hold back for 1205 F Avenue
    d. Approval of purchase of Kiwanis Park playground equipment from Cunningham Recreation
    e. Approval of Request for Change #3 for splash pad project
    f. Approval of resolution to approve 2021 Benton County Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
    g. Approval of Vinton Veterans Memorial Airport Capital Improvement Plan
    h. Approval of the Annual Urban Renewal Report FY19/20
    i. Approval of the Annual Tax Increment Financing Report
    j. Discussion of sanitary sewer rates
  10. Reports
  11. Good & Welfare
  12. Adjournment
Categories: 2020Agenda