1-646-558-8656 or 1-646-931-3860
Webinar ID: 894 1683 6462

  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approve agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of October 27, 2022
    b. Approval of City invoices
  5. Receive and file communications & petitions or remonstrances
  6. Committee Reports
  7. Citizen’s Input (Council will not take any action on public comments at this meeting,
    but may do so at a future meeting. Please limit presentation to 3 minutes.)
  8. Old Business
    a. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance 1078 – an ordinance adding a new Chapter 124 – Food Trucks
    b. Second consideration of Ordinance 1079 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to utility vehicles
    c. Approval of counter offer for fuel surcharge to J&R Sanitation
  9. New Business
    a. Approval of bid for Riverside Playground Equipment
    b. Approval of bid for ash tree removal
    c. Approval of proposal for professional services for Water Treatment Facility from Fehr Graham
    d. Approval of RFP for Sanitation Services beginning July 1, 2023
    e. Approval of acceptance of East 13th Street Bridge replacement funding
    f. Approval of sidewalk reimbursement for 809 F Avenue
    g. Receive & file WWTP Facility Compliance Evaluation Inspection
    h. Set a date for a public hearing for CDBG disaster recovery funds
    i. Set a date for General Government committee to discuss community beautification
    j. Set a date for strategic planning session for City Council & City Staff
  10. Reports
  11. Good & Welfare
  12. Adjournment
Categories: 2022AgendaCity Hall