- Call to order and roll call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approve agenda
- Consent Agenda
a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of April 25th
b. Approve invoices
c. Receive & file the April revenue and expenditure report
d. Receive & file the Library Board meeting minutes of April 10th
e. Receive & file the Parks & Recreation Board meeting minutes of April 11th - Receive and file communications, petitions or remonstrances
- Committee Reports
- Citizen’s Input
a. Rick Lazenby, request to block 400 block of 1st Ave on June 8th for
Pink Heals Eastern Iowa Benefit Ride - Old Business
a. Public hearing for splash pad bids for May 9th
b. Consider bid for splash pad
c. Approve resolution consenting to assignment of Trustee Agent Agreements:
Escrow Agent Agreements; and/or Paying Agent and Registrar and Transfer
Agent Agreements
d. Approve resolution authorizing City of Vinton to enter into real estate contract with
Johnny R. Watson and Donna M. Watson for the purchase or real estate
e. Approve resolution authorizing City of Vinton to enter into real estate contract with
RBCE Properties, L.L.C. for the purchase of real estate
f. Update from Middle Cedar Watershed Mgmt Authority, Adam Rodenberg
g. Consider pay estimate #2 and change order #2 for airport fuel cabinet project
h. Consider nuisance abatements
i. Discuss street projects - New Business
a. Consider request from VU for beer tent at Celebration Park for the 150th Celebration, on Saturday, August 17th
b. VU update on Sesquicentennial Celebration
c. Consider community video for BDG
d. Approve request from Iowa Pyrotechnic Assoc. for supervised display of fireworks
at Benton County Fairground on August 23rd and 24th
e. Approve request for Party in the Pink 5K Walk/Run route on June 21st - Reports
- Good & Welfare
- Adjournment
Council Agenda 02-24-25
WORK SESSION Monday, February 24, 2025 – 5:00pmVinton City Hall, 110 W 3rd Street, Vinton AGENDA