- Call to order and roll call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approve agenda
- Consent Agenda
a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of April 11th
b. Receive & file the Airport Commission meeting minutes of April 17th
c. Approve renewal of a class B beer permit w/Sunday sales for Pizza Hut
d. Receive & file the March building inspector report - Receive and file communications, petitions or remonstrances
- Committee Reports
- Citizen’s Input
a. Matt Boggess & Melissa Smith, Healthy Hometown/Parklet Initiative - Old Business
a. Consider request for community catalyst and building remediation grant funding for
Clingman Pharmacy and Fischer Law Firm b. Update from Middle Cedar Watershed Mgmt Authority, Adam Rodenberg c. Consider nuisance abatements d. Consider health insurance renewal e. Update on gmail accounts f. Report on airport economic impact g. Set public works committee meeting to discuss street projects
h. Set general government committee meeting to discuss part-time clerical request - New Business
a. Consider resolution ordering construction of the airport snow removal equipment
project, setting public hearing on proposed plans, specifications, form of contract
and estimated cost and directing publication of notice to bidders
b. Approve resolution to transfer funds from General Fund to Library Fund
c. Consider requests for Party in the Park activities, June 20 – 22, 2019
d. Set public hearing for splash pad bids for May 9th
e. Set public hearing for budget amendment for FY ending June 30, 2019, for May 23rd
f. Approve National Hospital Week Proclamation - Reports
- Good & Welfare
- Closed Session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i)
- Adjournment
Council Minutes 12-19-24
COUNCIL MEETINGDECEMBER 19, 2024 A special meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held at 5:00pm on the 19th day of December 2024 in City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Pro Tem Stark-Mahood presided Read more…