- Call to order and roll call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approve agenda
- Consent Agenda
a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of March 28th
b. Approve invoices
c. Receive & file the March revenue and expenditure report
d. Receive & file the Parks & Recreation Board meeting minutes of Feb. 14th
e. Receive & file the Library Board meeting minutes of March 13th
f. Approve new class E liquor license for Ehlinger’s Vinton Express,
with class B wine permit, class C beer permit and Sunday sales
g. Approve new 6 month class B beer permit w/Sunday sale for Benton Co Ag Soc
h. Approve renewal of class C liquor license for American Legion - Receive and file communications, petitions or remonstrances
- Committee Reports
- Citizen’s Input
- Old Business
a. Approve resolution to amend established traffic control devices, 307 W 4th St - New Business
a. Approve resolution authorizing the submission of applications for Iowa airport improvement program and certifying eligibility requirements b. Consider health insurance renewal, Grant Rothweiler, PDCM c. Approve property & liability insurance renewals with Wilson-Hite Insurance d. Approve retirement of Jeff Schadle, street dept/arborist e. Approve Arbor Day Proclamation - Reports
- Good & Welfare
- Adjournment
Council Minutes 02-27-25
COUNCIL MEETINGFEBRUARY 27, 2025 A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 27th day of February 2025 in City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Maynard presided with the following Council Read more…