- Call to order and roll call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approve agenda
- Consent Agenda
a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of February 28th
b. Approve invoices
c. Receive & file the February revenue & expenditure report - Receive and file communications, petitions or remonstrances
a. IowaDOT project notification letter - Committee Reports
- Citizen’s Input
- Old Business
a. Public hearing on proposed budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 b. Approve resolution adopting budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 c. Approve resolution authorizing real estate contract with Shirley Corbett d. Consider request from Vernon Flechner Trust to extend the housing TIF period from ten years to fifteen years e. Consider payment estimate #1 for Airport Fuel Dispenser Improvements f. Consider tentative agreement with Teamsters Local 238, police officers g. Discussion on the Old Café 218 property - New Business
a. Approve resolution to transfer funds from the general fund to the library fund
b. Consider request for remediation grant reimbursement to Michael & Dowd, Inc.
c. Consider application for new credit card for Parks & Recreation department
d. Consider request to remove handicap parking space from 114 E 4th Street
e. Consider attendance at Iowa Rural Development Conference
f. Discuss clerical request for vacation and holiday pay
g. Discussion on water system in new housing addition
h. Discuss emails
i. Discuss business incubator idea - Reports
- Good & Welfare
- Adjournment
Council Minutes 02-27-25
COUNCIL MEETINGFEBRUARY 27, 2025 A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 27th day of February 2025 in City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Maynard presided with the following Council Read more…