- Call to order and roll call
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approve agenda
- Consent Agenda
a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of February 14th
b. Receive & file the Library Board meeting minutes of February 13th
c. Receive & file the Airport Commission meeting minutes of February 21st
d. Receive & file the January Building Inspector report
e. Receive & file the Fire Dept. 2018 annual report - Receive and file communications, petitions or remonstrances
a. Thank you from Iowa Honey Producers
b. Iowa District Court ruling - Committee Reports
- Citizen’s Input
- Old Business
a. Third consideration & adoption of an ordinance adding provisions pertaining to
bulk water meter rate
b. Consider partial pay estimate #7 semi-final for E 3rd Street project
c. Approve engineering services agreement w/Clapsaddle Garber for snow removal
equipment acquisition
d. Update from Shive Hattery on master trail plan - New Business
a. Approve resolution to approve purchasing policy
b. Approve resolution approving policy for segregation of duties
c. Approve resolution to adopt a reporting policy for federal project grants
d. Approve resolution authorizing the adoption of certain grant procurement procedures
pertaining to federal grant programs
e. Consider request for TIF extension from ten years to fifteen years
f. Discuss appointments to Boards & Commissions - Reports
- Good & Welfare
- Closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(j)
- Adjournment
Council Minutes 02-27-25
COUNCIL MEETINGFEBRUARY 27, 2025 A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 27th day of February 2025 in City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Maynard presided with the following Council Read more…