Council Agenda 04/25/19

Call to order and roll call Pledge of Allegiance Approve agenda Consent Agenda a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of April 11th b. Receive & file the Airport Commission meeting minutes of April 17th c. Approve renewal of a class B beer permit w/Sunday sales for Pizza Hut d. Read more…

Trustees Agenda 04/23/19

SPECIAL VINTON MUNICIPAL UTILITIES BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA April 23, 2019 VINTON CITY HALL 110 W 3RD Street 6:30 PM Call to order and roll call Approve agenda Public hearing on proposal to enter into an Electric Revenue Loan Agreement Consider resolution taking additional action on proposal to enter into Read more…

Council Minutes 04-11-19

A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa, was held on the 11th day of April, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Maynard presided and the roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent: Present: Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Read more…

Council Agenda 04-11-19

Call to order and roll call Pledge of Allegiance Approve agenda Consent Agenda a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of March 28th b. Approve invoices c. Receive & file the March revenue and expenditure report d. Receive & file the Parks & Recreation Board meeting minutes of Feb. 14th Read more…