Council Agenda 06-27-19

VINTON CITY HALL JUNE 27, 2019 7:00 PM Call to order and roll call Pledge of Allegiance Oaths of Office for Benjamin Eden and Jacob Sanders, Reserve Police Officers Approve agenda Consent Agenda a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of June 13th b. Approve invoices c. Receive & file Read more…

VMCU Agenda 06-25-19

SPECIAL VINTON MUNICIPAL COMMUNICATIONS UTILITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA June 25, 2019 VINTON CITY HALL 110 W 3RD Street 5:00 PM Call to order and roll call Approve agenda Citizen’s input Old Business a. Resolution authorizing and approving a Loan Agreement and providing for the issuance of a Telecommunications Revenue Read more…

Council Agenda 06-13-19

Call to order and roll call Pledge of Allegiance Approve agenda Consent Agenda a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of May 23rd b. Approve invoices c. Receive & file the May revenue & expenditure report d. Receive & file the Library Board meeting minutes of May 8, 2019 and Read more…

VMEU Trustees Agenda

Call to order and roll call Approve meeting minutes of May 7, 2019 and May 14, 2019 Approve invoices Receive & file communications, petitions or remonstrances Approve agenda Citizen’s input Old Business a. Status of open line person job opening b. Consider monthly energy adjustment factor New Business a. Consider Read more…

Communications Utility Agenda

Immediately following the VMEU Board of Trustees 5:00 pm meeting Call to order and roll call Approve meeting minutes of May 14, 2019 Approve agenda Citizen’s input Old Business a. Approve Patriot Communications site survey services b. Approve Consortia Consulting regulatory support c. Approve CFU IPTV agreement d. Approve ImOn Read more…