VMEU Agenda 02-18-20

Vinton Municipal Electric Utility Agenda February 18, 2020 Vinton City Hall 110 W 3rd Street IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING VMCU BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Call to order and roll call Approve agenda                                                                        Action Item Consent Agenda                                                                        Action Item Receive & file VMEU Board meeting minutes of Jan 14th, 2020 Approve invoices Receive Read more…

VMCU Agenda 02-18-20

February 18, 2020 Vinton City Hall 110 W 3rd Street 5:00 PM Call to order and roll call Approve agenda                                                                        Action Item Consent Agenda                                                                       Action Item Receive & file VMCU Board meeting minutes of Jan 14th, 2020 Approve invoices Receive & file January financial report Receive and file communications Read more…