FEBRUARY 8, 2018
A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa, was held on the 8th day of February,
2018, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Maynard presided
and the roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent: Present:
Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Absent: Edwards, Elwick.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Stark, second by Hesson to approve an amended agenda, by moving discussion with
Veenstra & Kimm to earlier on the agenda. Engineer, Dave Schechinger, lives in North Liberty
and it is snowing a lot tonight. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Dave Schechinger, Veenstra & Kimm engineer, reviewed a water distribution system study.
He stated Vinton has adequate water storage. They recommend replacing some older hydrants.
For any new housing development, a booster station might be needed. Hessenius inquired about
some overhead hanging cords/tubes at the waste water treatment plant that deal with the new
ultra violet system. Schechinger will check on this. Schechinger stated the water infiltration
study is ongoing. Infiltration is influenced by the river level. Smoke testing is not good when
the ground is saturated. He suggested repairs to the old main lift station. He reviewed a study on
the sanitary sewer system. Upgrades will be needed within the next three years to meet DNR
and/or EPA requirements. Reduction of nitrogen, phosphorus, copper and nutrient levels are
required. Schechinger stated there are various financing options for the upgrades to the
treatment plant. Revenue bonds, General Obligation (GO) bonds or State Revolving Fund (SRF)
loan are possible funding sources. Schechinger reported the water tower painting project is
expected to start in April and be finished in June.
Motion by Hessenius, second by Parr to approve the consent agenda. Question: Ayes – All.
The Mayor declared the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda are to receive and file the
Council meeting minutes of January 25, 2018, approve invoices in the amount of $519,370.91,
receive and file the January revenue and expenditure report, receive and file the Parks and
Recreation Board meeting minutes of January 11, 2018 and to approve the renewal of a class C
beer permit, with class B wine permit and Sunday sales for Shopko.
Hesson reported the public works committee had met to discuss changes to the sidewalk
ordinance. Administrator Ward will check with other communities about their sidewalk
maintenance ordinances.
Stark reported the IBSSS committee met with Parks & Recreation. They talked about the
Kiwanis Park and the splash pad.
Danny Dvorak stated he is interested in purchasing the old East School building. He is in the
construction business and would use the building for cold storage. He would clean up the
property, patch the wall and fix windows. He stated that the tuck pointing repairs would take the
longest. Building inspector Jerry Michael has condemned the building. Council’s general
consensus was to allow Dvorak to proceed with the purchase and then clean up the property.
Tim and Jane Osborn, owners of 615 A Avenue, asked why their application for a building
permit was denied. They planned to build a storage shed to store lawn mowers, equipment and
grandkid toys. Jerry Michael stated that their existing lien to encroaches on the setback
requirements and they have not removed that. He is not comfortable granting a new permit
while the lien to is not in compliance with regulations. Lee Bendull, 611 A Avenue, said that per
the definition in the city code, the Osborn property is a junkyard. Council’s general consensus
was to allow Osborn to remove the lien to, resubmit an application to build a new storage shed
and have the building inspector check on the lien to removal.
The next budget work session will be held on Thursday, Feb. 15th at 6:00 pm.
Motion by Parr, second by Stark to approve a website proposal from Jason Hicok. Question:
Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Administrator Ward reported he had met with all employees covered by the City’s health
insurance to explain Wellmark’s changes for next fiscal year. PDCM said that there is a
possibility to partner with another community the year after next year.
Clerk reported the police department received an $800 contribution from Alliant which will go
toward the purchase of an AED. Virginia Gay Hospital is planning a health care fair in April.
They have asked to place a message on utility bills about this event. The airport’s snowplow has
broken down and in for repairs. Mike Zenisek is using his personal pickup with a snow blade to
move snow at the airport.
The closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(j), discussion on possible real estate transaction, was
not held. Administrator Ward and Attorney Fischer had left the meeting due to the fire that
started at Michael & Dowd building that spread to Clingman building and then to Fischer Law
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Time: 8:50 pm. ________________________________ Max (Bud) Maynard, Jr. Mayor
Attest: ___________________________
Cindy Michael City Clerk

Categories: 2018Meeting Minutes