MAY 25, 2017
A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa, was held on the 25th day of May, 2017,
at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Watson presided and the
roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent: Present: Elwick,
Hessenius,Parr, Stark. Absent: Hesson.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Elwick, second by Stark to approve the agenda. Question: Aye – All. The Mayor
declared the motion carried.
Motion by Parr, second by Hessenius to approve the consent agenda. Question: Ayes – All.
The Mayor declared the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda are to receive and file the
Council meeting minutes of May 11, 2017, to receive and file the Library Board meeting minutes
of May 10, 2017 and to approve the renewal of a class C liquor license with Sunday sales for
Golf Right.
Administrator Ward reported that he had spoken with Zach Parmater and stated that Parmater
is willing to remain on the Middle Cedar Watershed Management Authority committee.
Jerry Michael, building inspector, has contacted owners of various nuisance properties. Some of
the properties arein the dangerous or unsafe buildings category.Council directed him to give the
owners 30 days to make repairs. If they are unable to make the repairs within 30 days, they will
have to come to talk with the council about their property.
Steve Steinhoff stated he and a partner have purchased lots in Bascom’s Addition Part One. He
plans to build 5 two unit condosover the next three years on about 2.5 acres. He asked Council
how many sewer hookup fees would be required.The sewer connection fee in this area is $1,000.
Council wants to discuss this with the wastewater superintendent. This topic will be discussed
again at the next council meeting.
Motion by Parr, second by Hessenius to pass a RESOLUTION APPROVING A PLAT OF
Hessenius, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and declared
RESOLUTION 05-17-01 passed and approved.
Tionna Pooler, Independent Public Advisors, reported on water, landfill and garbage/recycling
utility rates. She recommends increasing the rates in the next fiscal year, with smaller annual
increases in subsequent years. Pooler will review her recommendation for the sewer utility rate
at a future council meeting.
Mike Elwick stated that he and his brother John Elwick have purchased 48 acres just outside of
the city limits. They are planning a housing development on this ground. A preliminary plat of
7 lots, each on 2 acres, will be given to the county and a copy will also be given to the city.
Theyare planning to parcel the remaining ground into one acre lots. They askedthe city
toconsider running a 600’ water service line to this unincorporated area.
Captain Dickinson reported that the police department has been talking with the school district
about establishing a new position of a school resource officer. The cost of this position would be
split between the school and the city. A federal grant program could provide some funding for
this new position. Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to approve the application for this
federal grant. Applications are due by July 10th. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parr,
Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. If the grant is awarded to Vinton,
the program is for 3 years and the school and city would be required to have this position for a
fourth year. Mary Jo Hainstock, V/S Superintendent, stated a 28E agreement between the school
and city will be necessary.
Aresolution for a compensation pay plan was tabled until the next council meeting.
Motion by Elwick, second by Stark to pass a RESOLUTION TO APPROVE TRANSFER OF
Hessenius, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and declared
RESOLUTION 05-17-02 passed and approved. This approves transferring $50,830.00 to the
Library fund.
Vinton Unlimited director Melissa Schwan asked Council to consider imposing a hotel/motel
tax of 7% in Vinton. The question would have to be placed on the voting ballot this fall. The
starting date would be Jan. 1, 2018. The proposal would distribute revenues with 75% to VU for
promoting tourism and 25% to be retained by the City for any purpose authorized under Iowa
law. Motion by Parr, second by Stark to proceed on starting a hotel/motel tax. Question: Ayes
– All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to approve supervised display of fireworks conducted
by Chuck Yedlik, Bar Y Pyros, on June 23rd and 24th. The rain date will be June 25th.
Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion byParr, second by Elwick to approve a request to close 8th Avenue from 6th Street to
8th Street on Aug. 19, 2017 for the Iowa North American Railcar Operators Association to set
cars on and off the tracks. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The
street department will provide barricades.
Chief Paxton talked about the new fireworks law. In Iowa, certain fireworks can be sold and
shot off on June 1st to July 8th and from December 10th to January 3rd, from 9:00 am to 10:00
pm. A public safety committee meeting will be held on June 8th at 6:15 pm to discuss the new
Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to hold the second council meeting in June on
Wednesday, June 21st. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.This is
due to Party in the Park activities on June 22nd.
Administrator Ward reported on: 1) The Iowa Dept. of Economic Development (IDED) told him
that Vinton is considered a distressed city, which would qualify builders of new construction for
tax credits. Motion by Parr, second by Elwick to have Ward move forward with IDED on this
declaration. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried. 2) Iowa Homeland
Security has a program for potential buyouts of flood prone properties. 3) UNI’s Institute for
Decision Making will be making their recommendation about the IBSSS campus to council soon.
4) The Iowa Northern Railroad will be scraping two railcars soon. 5) True North Insurance asked
him to sign letters to get information from insurance carriers. Council took no action for Ward to
sign the letters. 6) The Middle Cedar Watershed Authority would like increase the funding
possibilities for Vinton. Council was okay with this. 7) An ultrasonic flow meter may have to be
purchased for the septic haulers to use when they need to dump their loads. 8) Cedar Rapids’
Mayor Ron Corbett stopped in Vinton today.
Attorney Fischer reported that the Osborns were denied their appeal. They have until June 8th
to clean up their property.
Ward also reported that Fehr Graham engineer Nate Kass said there is arbitration language in
the 13th Street project.
Clerk reported that True North Insurance Company will be attending the second June council
meeting. A new chicken permit has been issued. More golf carts have been registered. City
received $4,000 from Selective Insurance Company for flood expenses.
Mayor Watson stated that the hospital wants to discuss Golf View Drive. He and one or two
council members will meet with VGH representatives.
Ward also reported that the contracts for the E 3rd Street project were received.
Good & Welfare:Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Time: 9:05 p.m.
John R. Watson Mayor
Attest: ___________________________
Cindy Michael City Clerk

Categories: 2017Meeting Minutes