APRIL 13, 2017
A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa, was held on the 13th day of April,
2017, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Watson presided
and the roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent: Present:
Elwick, Hessenius,Hesson, Parr, Stark. Absent: Parmater.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Stark asked to have the Iowa Pyrotechnic Association request moved up on the agenda under
Citizen’s Input. Motion by Parr, second by Elwick to approve the amended agenda. Question:
Aye – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion by Hessenius, second by Stark to approve the consent agenda. Question: Ayes – All.
Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda are to
receive and file the Council meeting minutes of March 23, 2017, approve invoices in the amount
of $701,277.48,this excludes a duplicate entry for fuel to Fast Stop, to receive and file the March
revenue and expenditure report, receive and file the Parks & Recreation board meeting minutes
of March 9, 2017 and Airport Commission meeting minutes of March 15, 2017, approve the
renewal of a class C liquor license for La Reyna and to approve the renewal of a class B beer
permit with Sunday sales for Pizza Hut.
Council received a copy of an article from the Gazette about an abandoned Viola school.
The IBSSS advisory committee had about 125 people attend the public input session that was
held at the high school on April 5th.
Wyatt Miller, Coots Quarry representative, discussed rock specifications for the E 3rd Street
project. He said the project calls for class 3 rock. Coots can provide class 2 rock. He said that
class 2 rock has been used on a previous street project in Vinton. Class 2 rock does not hold up
to calcium chloride, salt brine mix, as well as class 3. Nate Kass, Fehr Graham engineer, stated
that the IDOT specifications call for the class 3 rock. The city will use some federal funding for
this project, so class 3 is necessary. The project will be bid out on Tuesday, April 18th. Council
does prefer to use local vendors.
The Iowa Pyrotechnic Association will not be using any of the Catholic Church ground. They
asked permission to use a city ditch/right of waythat is east of the fairground grand stands for the
big homemade 8, 10 and 12 inch fireworks. Holes will have to be dug for these larger shells
before shooting them off. They asked that the street department block off the road during the
event. Boomtown is scheduled for August 26, 2017. Motion by Hesson, second by Elwick to
approve this request. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Chris Enos, Vinton property owner, stated he is interested in constructing “tiny” houses. He
asked Council to consider allowing 2 to 4 houses, around 400 square feet or smaller, to be built
on slab foundations. He would like to start building one next spring. Motion by Stark, second
by Parr to send this topic to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Question: Ayes – All. The
Mayor declared the motion carried. They will also check to see if it meets the comprehensive
The Mayor announced that now was the time and place set to hold a hearing on a proposed
budget amendment. A newer ladder truck for the fire department and a house demolition are a
couple reasons for the amendment. The Mayor closed the hearing.
Motion byStark, second by Elwick to pass a RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CURRENT
BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2017.Question: Ayes – Elwick,
Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and
declared RESOLUTION 04-17-01 passed and approved.
Motion by Parr, second by Elwick to pass a RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY
OF TAXES. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The
Mayor declared the motion carried and declared RESOLUTION 04-17-02 passed and approved.
This debt service levy will provide funding for $100,000 loan payment for a dump truck and a
fire truck.
Motion by Parr, second by Stark to pass a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE
Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and declared
RESOLUTION 04-17-03 passed and approved. The hangar door project is estimated to cost
$85,000. The state grant will pay of 80% and the City will pay 20%.
Administrator Ward reported the cost to survey Cedar View Drive will be $600. The hospital
will pay for this expense. Currently the property is one parcel. Utility easements would be
required from each resident. Concern was expressed whether there will be enough space for the
public right of way. Attorney Fischer said the issue raises red flags. Re-subdividing the parcel
could violate city code.
Brad Barker, Parks & Rec Director, asked Council about the splash pad capital project at the
Kiwanis Park. They will be starting a public funding campaign. The cost estimate is $150,000
to $175,000. This will not be a water recirculating splash pad system. The original plans are to
build on Kiwanis Park ground, but if Council buys the IBSSS campus and wants a housing
development on the park ground, the splash pad will need to be built at a different location.
Motion by Hessenius, second by Stark to have the Parks & Rec go forward with the original
plans for the splash pad on Kiwanis Park ground. Question: Ayes – Hessenius, Hesson, Stark.
Nays – Elwick, Parr. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion by Hessenius, second by Elwick to approve a request for on street parking by 609
Second Avenue. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr. Nays – Stark. The Mayor
declared the motion carried. The street superintendent and police chief have approved of this on
street parking. Resolution to amend traffic control devices will be on the next council agenda.
Administrator Ward reported: 1) Looking at nuisance properties. 2) Received a payment from
FEMA. 3) The Iowa State Historical Preservation Office will have to give the OK to FEMA if
work can be done to improve the sanitary sewer system on Second Street and Second Avenue.
4) Discussion with FEMA about moving critical structures. They also talked about AquaDam
barriers. 5) The sidewalk replacement program is available for property owners.
Clerk reported: 1) A new chicken permit has been issued. 2) The warning sirens have new
batteries and one has a new speaker. 3) Fall clean up days are tentatively scheduled for
September 30th and October 1st. 4) The airport will be closed beginning April 17th for 4 to 6
weeks for a runway project.
Good & Welfare: The ultraviolet unit has been installed at the waste water treatment plant.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Time: 8:28 p.m.
John R. Watson Mayor
Attest: ___________________________
Cindy Michael City Clerk

Categories: 2017Meeting Minutes