JUNE 11, 2015

A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa, was held on the 11th day of June, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Watson presided and the roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent: Present: Bendull, Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Stark. Absent: Vermedahl.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Parmater, second by Hessenius to approve the consent agenda. Question: Ayes – Bendull, Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda are: Receive and file the council meeting minutes of May 28th, approve invoices and receive and file the May revenue and expenditure report.

Council received a letter from Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. that explained some early results from the flow meters.

Phillip Bergen, 803 I Ave., was not present to discuss his sidewalk request.

Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to adopt AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE VACATION OF AN ALLEY IN VINTON, IOWA. Question: Ayes – Bendull, Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and that said ordinance had been given its second consideration.

Motion by Bendull, second by Stark to table a one year contract between City of Vinton and Teamsters Local Union No. 238, Police, an incorrect copy had been distributed. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to set a public hearing date for refinancing and refunding of a general obligation bond. The hearing will be held on June 24th at 7:00 p.m.. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Elwick, second by Stark to set a public hearing to declare a property at 803 E 2nd Street as nuisance property for June 24th. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Council also discussed the fire burnt property of 908 A Avenue, with its neighbor, Scott Keeling. Keeling is interested in purchasing the property to build a garage, but the cost of demolition is high. Options for paying for the demolition were discussed. A training burn by the fire department was suggested. Also, TIF funds might be an option.

Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to allow a new septic system to be installed on North K Avenue (Schnoor property) and to send letter to the county sanitarian stating this approval. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Hessenius, second by Elwick to refer a request to vacate an alley behind 1006 W 4th Street to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their recommendation. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Council discussed developing a snow emergency route or procedure. If one was established, the City would notify the public via radio, television or social media, to remove vehicles from the established emergency routes. If the vehicles are not moved, they could be towed. New street signage would be needed. Motion by Stark, second by Elwick to set a public safety committee meeting for July 9th at 6:00 p.m. to further discuss a possible snow emergency route and procedure. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Council discussed the age of golf cart passengers. State code does allow cities to have more restrictive rules. Concern has been expressed for young children riding on golf carts. Should there be a minimum size or age requirement? The City could change the ordinance to not allow golf carts on the streets. No action was taken on this subject.

City Administrator asked to have his annual review at a later date.

Administrator Ward reported: 1) IEDA Director Debi Durham will be in Van Horne on Wednesday. 2) Federal grant opportunities for the City of Vinton and Virginia Gay Hospital. 3) Talked with EPA and DNR about the waterway to Mud Creek.

Clerk reported: 1) Fall Clean Up Days are being scheduled for Oct. 3rd & 4th. 2) Planning to close out the July 2011 Windstorm Fund. 3) Senator Grassley will be in Vinton on July 2nd. 3) Received reports of phone scammers claiming they would shut off electricity if money was not sent. 4) Backpocket Brewing will be applying for a beer permit. 5) The next council meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 24th.

Chief Paxton reported: 1) Narrowing the applicants. 2) Tall grass notices are slowing down. 3) Still working on junk vehicles. 4) Suggested charging a permit fee for peddlers or solicitors. 5) Captain Smith has given his notice to retire.

Good & Welfare: The first Benton County Country Fest was good.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Time: 8:05 p.m..

John R. Watson Mayor

Attest: ___________________________
Cindy Michael City Clerk

Categories: 2015Meeting Minutes