The City of Vinton’s water dept. produces, treats and distributes over 170MG per year or about 466,000 gallons per day to the residents of Vinton. We have three shallow wells located around the treatment plant which pump raw water to the plant and it is ran through 2 aerators to remove the H2SO4 (hydrogen sulfide, rotten egg smell) from the water. From there it is pumped into a 50,000 gal holding tank and injected with the first dose of chlorine(Cl2)to start the disinfection process .
From there it is pumped through 3 iron filters to remove iron and manganese that is naturally occurring in the water. As the water leaves the plant it is injected with another dose of Cl2 to help boost up the total amount of Cl2 and also fluoride and a poly phosphate (which strengthen both teeth and bones and lining and protecting of the underground pipes. When the water leaves the plant it is pumped into the distribution system (underground water mains which range in size from 4” to 12”) and the two water towers (750,000 and 500,000 gal)which are used for storage, fire protection and where we get our pressure to the houses.
We also maintain and flush, twice a year, 240 fire hydrants, which we use to clean the distribution system lines and are used for fire protection. There are also about 500 valves which are used to isolate the water mains when under construction or during water main breaks in the winter.
Our departments consist of the superintendent, and assistant, a meter reader and a utility person who helps at the water, wastewater plants and street dept. We test our water daily for Chlorine, Fluoride, Iron and Polyphosphate, from the plant and around the distribution system. We also test 6 samples monthly for E-coli and Fecal coliforms required by the EPA. We test for lead and copper every 3 years and nitrates yearly along with other test up to every 9 years. Our meter reader reads the water and electric meters every month from which you get your monthly billing. The meters are located in most houses and we are in the process of moving them to the outside in meter pits in the yards. They are read by touching a black box on the side of the house or the signal is transmitted through the air to the hand held device.
2023 Water Quality Report for Vinton Municipal Water Department