A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa, was held on the 14th day of March, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Maynard presided and the roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent: Present: Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Absent: None.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Elwick, second by Stark to approve the agenda. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Hesson, second by Parr to approve the consent agenda. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda are to receive and file the Council meeting minutes of February 28th, approve invoices in the amount of $622,395.66, and to receive and file the February revenue and expenditure report.

Council received a letter from Iowa DOT informing them of a 2019 slurry seal construction project from Vinton to La Porte City. Mayor Maynard also received a letter from the Arbor Day Foundation.

Stark reported she had met with U of I grad students that will be working on drawings for a possible retention pond at the south edge of town.

Blake Benson, 615 E 6th Street, asked council to consider waiving a civil infraction related to his fencing project. A copy of the stop work order could not be found. Benson said he had started building his fence prior to the city requiring a permit for a fence. This topic will be discussed at a future council meeting.

The Mayor announced that now was the time and place set to hold a public hearing on a proposed budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. There were no comments. The Mayor closed the hearing.

Motion by Parr, second by Elwick to pass a RESOLUTION FOR ADOPTION OF BUDGET AND CERTIFICATION OF CITY TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2020. Question: Ayes – Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and declared RESOLUTION 03-19-01 passed and approved.

Motion by Stark, second by Parr to pass a RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CITY OF VINTON TO ENTER INTO REAL ESTATE CONTRACT WITH SHIRLEY CORBETT FOR THE PRUCHASE OF REAL ESTATE. Question: Ayes – Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and declared RESOLUTION 03-19-02 passed and approved. The purchase price for 2009 C Avenue, which is approximately 6.46 acres is $300,000.

Motion by Parr, second by Stark to approve a request from the Vernon Flechner Trust, Trustee John Ketchen, to extend the housing TIF from a ten year life to a fifteen year life. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Bob Josten with Dorsey and Whitney will be contacted for information on the process of extending a TIF time period.

Motion by Stark, second by Parr to approve pay estimate #1 for the airport fuel dispenser improvement project. Question: Ayes – Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. This approve a payment of $35,982.29 to Unified Contracting Services. Leon Whelchel, Airport Commission Chairman, stated that the project is not yet complete due to the winter weather.

Motion by Hesson, second by Stark to approve a tentative agreement with Teamsters Local 238 for the police officers. Question: Ayes – Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried. This extends the current contract for one year with an increase of 3% for wages.

The business at old Café 218 has been vacant many years but people do live in the apartment upstairs. Various properties that council would like cleaned up will be discussed at next their meeting.

Motion by Hesson, second by Stark to pass a RESOLUTION TO APPROVE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM GENERAL FUND TO LIBRARY FUND. Question: Ayes – Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and declared RESOLUTION 03-19-03 passed and approved. A transfer of $57,869 is approved.

Motion by Elwick, second by Parr to approve a remediation grant reimbursement to Michael & Dowd, Inc. in the amount of $1,239.37. Question: Ayes – Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Stark, second by Parr to approve the application for new credit card for the Parks & Recreation department through Cedar Valley Bank & Trust. Question: Ayes – Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to approve a request to remove a handicap parking space from 114 E 4th Street. Question: Ayes – Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Hesson, second by Parr to approve two council members to attend the Iowa Rural Development Conference. The cost of $180 is for a team of three. The cost will be shared with Vinton Unlimited. The conference is in Grinnell on April 11th & 12th. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Stark reported that the clerical union has a new representative. She will reach out to this representative.

The water distribution system in the new housing development on the south side of town could be looped or self-flushing units could be installed. Water superintendent Walker will be asked to get price quotes for the self-flushers.

Council discussed email addresses for council members. Council does not wish to use their personal email addresses when replying to inquiries from the City’s website. Jason Hicok said there are various options available that vary in cost.

Melissa Schwan, Vinton Unlimited, asked council to consider the city’s 25% share of the hotel/motel tax for a local business betterment program. A program will be drafted.

The City has received its first reimbursement for the school resource officer from the Department of Justice. The police department has made ID badges for city employees.

Good & Welfare: The Library is sponsoring a George Burns Alive Again and In Concert at Windsor Manor on March 30th.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Time: 8:15 p.m.