MARCH 13, 2025
A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 13th day of March 2025 in City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Pro Tem Stark-Mahood presided with the following Council members present: Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker & Stark-Mahood.
Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve the agenda as presented. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried.
Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve the consent agenda as presented. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried. Items on the consent agenda are to receive & file Council meeting minutes of February 27, 2025, approval of special class C retail alcohol license for Lucky Wife Wine Slushies, approval of renewal of class C retail alcohol license for H Squared Pizza and approval of City invoices.
Committee Reports
Business type activities had met prior to the Council meeting to discuss water and/or sewer usage forgiveness on a resident’s account. The committee understood the concern but recommended not granting any forgiveness being the water had gone down the sewer.
Citizens Input – None
Old Business – None
New Business
Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Elwick to approve a resolution ordering notice to bidders, setting public hearing, and approving plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost for the Airport AWOS project. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker and Stark-Mahood. Motion carried. The public hearing will be held April 24, 2025 at 7:00pm in City Hall.
Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve pay estimate #13 to Woodruff Construction for WWTP improvements. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker and Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.
Motion by Hessenius, seconded by Pflughaupt to table change order 4.1 for the WWTP improvements until the next meeting. Hessenius requested Council receive a copy of the project plans for review before the next meeting. Question: Ayes – all. Motion carried.
Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Elwick to approve the agreement for 2025 bridge inspection program with Calhoun-Burns Associates. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker and Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.
Administrator Ward will not be at the next Council meeting. The American Legion is working on an Avenue of Flags project and may be presenting to Council in the future.
Good & Welfare
The flower pots have been installed on the street light poles and are ready for flowers.
With no other business before the Council, motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Hessenius to adjourn. Unanimously approved. Time: 7:30pm