MARCH 22, 2018
A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa, was held on the 22nd day of March,
2018, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Maynard presided
and the roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent: Present:
Edwards, Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Absent: None.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Elwick, second by Stark to approve the agenda. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor
declared the motion carried.
Motion by Parr, second by Hessenius to approve the consent agenda. Question: Ayes – All.
The Mayor declared the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda are to receive and file the
council meeting minutes of March 8th and March 12th and to approve a new class B beer permit
with Sunday sales for Benton County Ag Society.
Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to receive and file a letter from Herb’s Garbage
Hauling, Inc. stating their final day for collecting refuse and recycling will be June 30, 2018.
This is the date their contract expires with the City. Question: Ayes – All. Motion carried. A
business type activities committee will meet on April 5th at 7:00 pm to discuss an RFP for
finding a new hauler.
Hesson reported the public works committee met to discuss changes to the sidewalk ordinance.
He will send their recommendations to Attorney Fischer. One change would be to increase the
maximum reimbursement for a new sidewalk to the property owner from $500 to $750. All new
sidewalks will be required to be five feet wide.
Beryl Scott, 712 E 3rd Street, asked council to consider a stop sign at 3rd Street and 2nd
Avenue. Administrator Ward will ask Police Chief Paxton for his recommendation.
Dan Dvorak stated he is working on the old East School building. His son is the new owner of
this building. He says that 90% of the outside has been cleaned up. They will be replacing
windows soon and tuck pointing in a couple of months.
Nate Kass, Fehr-Graham engineer, reported there are cracks on the east end of the E 3rd Street
project. The water main was tested for leaks and no leaks were found. There might be
groundwater heading toward the river in the subsoil. Mayor Maynard says the engineer needs to
work this out with the contractor. Kass will talk with IDOT about this project. A retaining wall
and grass re-seeding still need to be done yet. Administrator Ward stated that the blocks for the
retaining wall should be coming next week. For repairs for cracked panels on the 13th Street
project, mediation will be necessary.
Jason Hicok stated he has been working on a new website for the city. It would have links to
other websites such as VMEU, Parks and Recreation and the Library. There is an option to send
alerts to cell phones, for those that sign up. This would have a small expense per the number of
messages sent. A Vinton history page could be added. He is using a Word Press platform for this
Stark stated that the Braille School committee has applied for RIIF funds. AmeriCorps plans
to use 80% of the Old Main building. She asked if the City would consider moving offices to the
remaining 20%, in the south portion of Old Main. The general consensus was this might be a
The state of Iowa allows for the sale of fireworks. Cities can restrict the sales to certain zoning
classifications. Council will consider fireworks sales and use at a future meeting.
Stark would like council to review the animal ordinance, possibly restricting the number of
animals a person could have. The public safety committee will meet on April 5th at 6:00 pm to
discuss the animal ordinance.
Per the street superintendent, the Silos and Smokestack sign for the Depot is not an approved
IDOT sign and will not be posted. The Depot will have to place the sign on their building.

Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to pass a RESOLUTION TO APPROVE TRANSFER
OF FUNDS FROM GENERAL TO LIBRARY FUND. Question: Ayes – Edwards, Elwick,
Hessenius, Hesson, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and
declared RESOLUTION 03-18-02 passed and approved.
Motion by Hesson, second by Stark to approve rules for the Vinton 2019 Sesquicentennial
Logo Contest. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to approve removing the “No turn on red light” for west
bound traffic on 4th Street at the K Avenue intersection. Ward checked with Paxton via cellular
communications. Paxton approves of removing this sign. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor
declared the motion carried. A resolution will be on the next council agenda for removing this
traffic sign.
Motion by Hessenius, second by Stark to approve the Mediacom lease assignment to CTI
Towers Assets II, LLC. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion by Parr, second by Elwick to set a public hearing on a proposed budget amendment for
fiscal year 2017-2018 for April 12th at 7:00 pm. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the
motion carried.
Administrator Ward stated an amendment to urban renewal areas for tax abatement incentives
is possible. Currently there are two districts, the Downtown district and the West Consolidated
district. Ward is talking with Bob Josten of Dorsey and Whitney about an amendment. The
period for the abatement is actually over ten years to the City. The incentive to those who make
the improvements is for three years. Ward will check further into this topic.
Maynard reported that the hospital asked for an estimate from VMEU to install security lights
for the parking lot by the round shelter house. Maynard will discuss the estimate with General
Manager Richtsmeier.

Edwards suggested only allowing parking on one side of 8th Street. This will be discussed in
the future.
Administrator Ward reported: 1) McNeal property is being cleaned up. 2) Met with SBA. They
can assist fire victims. 3) He was part of a panel discussion last week at the IMMI conference. 4)
City Hall will be closed on Friday, March 30. 5) Planning a staff meeting next week. 6) Looking
at “Healthy Communities”. 7) Will be getting a sign/banner for the new community gardens.
Attorney Fischer spoke at a Governor’s meeting this week.
Clerk reported: 1) Utility billing memo this month is about VGH’s Health and Wellness Fair
on Saturday April 7th. 2) Will be attending an IMFOA conference in April. 3) The Iowa League
of Cities MLA Part Three is in April.
Good & Welfare: Vinton’s Art Guild has displays in the new VGH Clinic.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Time: 9:30 p.m. ________________________________ Max (Bud) Maynard, Jr. Mayor
Attest: ___________________________
Cindy Michael City Clerk