SEPTEMBER 14, 2017
A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa, was held on the 14th day of September,
2017, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Watson presided
and the roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent: Present:
Elwick, Hessenius,Hesson, Maynard, Parr, Stark. Absent: None.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Motion by Elwick, second by Maynard to approve the agenda. Question: Aye – All. The
Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion by Hesson, second by Maynard to approve the consent agenda. Question: Ayes – All.
The Mayor declared the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda are to receive and file the
August 24, 2017 council meeting minutes, approve invoices, receive and file the August revenue
and expenditure report and to receive and file the Parks and Recreation Board meeting minutes
of August 10, 2017 and the Airport Commission meeting minutes of August 16, 2017.
Motion by Elwick, second by Hesson toadopt an ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF
PERTAINING TO WATER RATES. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Maynard,
Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and that said ordinance had
been given its third consideration.
Motion by Elwick, second by Maynard to now adopt the above stated ordinance. Question:
Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Maynard, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared
the motion carried and declared ORDINANCE 1024 duly adopted. The minimum charge per
month is now $9.75 and the first 1,000 cubic feet per month will be billed at $2.30 per 100 cubic
Nate Kass, Fehr-Graham engineer, stated the contractor for the E 3rd Street project plans to
start paving tomorrow. He reported there is a low soft spot between 8th and 9th Avenues. It was
suggested to hire a company to listen for any possible water main leaks in this block. Kass will
have the contractor farm the dirt again on this block. Kass stated an additional change order will
be coming for a storm sewer manhole. Kass was asked to get an updated work schedule from the
Motion by Maynard, second by Elwick to approve pay estimate #2 for the E 3rd Street project
to Dave Schmitt Construction for $490,651.36. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson,
Maynard, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion by Hesson, second by Maynard to set a public hearing on a proposed modification to the
natural gas franchise with Alliant Energy for September 28th at 7:00 pm. Question: Ayes – All.
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion by Maynard, second by Elwick to adopt an ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE
FRANCHISE FEES. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Maynard, Parr, Stark. Nays
– None. The Mayor declared the motion carried and that said ordinance had been given its
second consideration.
Motion by Parr, second by Hessenius to approve pay estimate number 4 for runway 16-34
improvements to L.L. Pelling for $62,696.74. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson,
Maynard, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Council reviewed a draft ordinance for property maintenance. A few changes were suggested.
This ordinance will be on the next council agenda.
Council discussed the stop lights downtown. City Administrator Ward was asked to talk with
VMEU General Manager Richtsmeier about these lights. Council would like to have the redyellow-green
lights during business hours and blinking red for non-business hours.
Motion by Maynard, second by Hesson to approve a request from Format LC, Rich Hainstock,
to make a residential unit at 305 1st Avenue. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the
motion carried.
Motion by Stark, second by Parr to approve the disbursement of budgeted funding, $6,028, to
HACAP. Question: Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Maynard, Parr, Stark. Nays – None.
The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Motion by Hesson, second by Elwick to approve an acknowledgment/settlement agreement
with New Century Farm Service, dba Fast Stop, for a tobacco violation. Question: Ayes –
Elwick, Hessenius, Hesson, Maynard, Parr, Stark. Nays – None. The Mayor declared the
motion carried. The $300 civil penalty has been paid by the permit holder.
Administrator Ward reported on: 1) The bids for the airport fueling system were rejected because
they were too high. 2) Met with Iowa Flood Center professors. They are looking at Hinkle and
Mudd Creek. 3) Met with FEMA to look at draft hazard mitigation plans to reduce flood risks.
They are looking at options of a flood wall, pumping stations and relocation options for the fire
station, ambulance garage and the police department. 4) Letter was sent to the Regents about the
possible interest in the IBSSS campus.
Clerk reported the deadline for filing paperwork to be a candidate for the City election is
Thursday, Sept. 21st at 5:00 pm.
Good & Welfare: Vinton received a SafeWise Award for community safety and crime
prevention. The high school girls swim team is doing well. On Saturday there will be a benefit
for Scott VanWey at Celebration Park. Mayor Watson will be performing the marriage of Q &
U at the elementary school tomorrow.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Time: 8:40 p.m.
John R. Watson Mayor
Attest: ___________________________
Cindy Michael City Clerk

Categories: 2017Meeting Minutes