FEBRUARY 12, 2015


A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa, was held on the 12th day of February, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa.  Mayor Watson presided and the roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent:  Present:  Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Stark.  Absent:  Bendull, Vermedahl.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Motion by Parmater, second by Elwick to approve the consent agenda.  Question:  Ayes –  Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Stark.  Nays – None.  The Mayor declared the motion carried.  Items on the consent agenda are council meeting minutes of Jan. 22nd, approve invoices, January revenue and expenditure report, airport commission meeting minutes of Jan. 21st, renewal of a class c beer permit with class b wine and Sunday sales for Dollar General.


Committee reports:  A budget work session was held Feb. 10th and a police union contract negotiation meeting was also held on Feb. 10th.


Stark and Parmater had met with Cedar Valley Humane Society to discuss animal control.  It is their recommendation to council to contract with CVHS for animal control in Vinton, excluding cats.  Motion by Hessenius, second by Stark to pursue animal control with Cedar Valley Humane Society.  Question:  Ayes – All.  The Mayor declared the motion carried.  Administrator Ward will notify Friends of the Shelter and Benton County.


Administrator Ward contacted Bendull via cellular communications.  Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to approve Chief Paxton’s recommendation for hiring Benjamin Parmater as a fulltime police officer.  Question:  Ayes – Bendull, Elwick, Hessenius, Stark.  Nays – None.  Abstain – Parmater.  The Mayor declared the motion carried.  Mayor Watson swore in Benjamin Parmater as a police officer.  His starting will be Feb. 23rd.  Bendull left the meeting.


Motion by Parmater, second by Stark to approve Chief Paxton’s recommendation to hire Morgan Mehlert and Corey Hagerman as part-time police officers.  Question:  Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Stark.  Nays – None.  The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Motion by Hessenius, second by Elwick to hire Director Barker’s recommendation of Matthew Boggert as the assistant parks and recreation director.  Question:  Ayes – All.  The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Kevin Schlarbaum and Teresa Lindsey updated Council on the J.T. Promotions new event, the Benton County Country Fest that will be held June 6th.   They plan to contribute back to the community by donating to the Vinton Community Foundation.  Mayor Watson stated that the City does not contribute to for profit organizations.  The Bellamy Brothers will play at this event.


Administrator Ward asked Veenstra and Kimm for a second opinion for waste water treatment plant options.  A main concern is compliance with the NPDES permit requirements.  The inflow and infiltration at the plant is a separate issue.  UV lighting and screens could be added.  The level of copper coming out of the plant will be monitored.  Derrick Anderson with McClure Engineering suggested flow metering be installed in March, before the April and May rain storms happen.  A business type activities committee meeting will be held to consider costs and options for upgrading the sewer plant.  Administrator Ward will set the date and time for this meeting.


Motion by Stark, second by Parmater to approve an engineering service agreement with Fehr Graham for $1,500.00.  Question:  Aye – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Stark.  Nay – None.  The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to approve Vinton Unlimited funding request of $12,500 for the next fiscal year, plus the allotted 5% share of the local option sales tax.  Question:  Ayes – Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Stark.  Nays – None.  The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Council reviewed the goal setting report prepared by Jeff Schott from the goal setting session.  Priorities that were listed are tax abatement program, increase of water and sewer rates, programs to attract developers or home buyers and to develop a policy regarding dilapidated properties.


Motion by Elwick, second Parmater to set a public hearing for the proposed budget for fiscal year 2015 – 2016 for March 12th at 7:00 p.m..  Question:  Ayes – All.  The Mayor declared the motion carried.


Motion by Parmater, second by Stark to approve a 2015 Pass-Through Town Agreement with RAGBRAI.  Question:  Ayes – All.  The Mayor declared the motion carried.  Ragbrai will come through Vinton on July 23rd.


Administrator Ward thanked Mayor, Council and City Attorney for their support after the passing of his father.  He stated that the invoice from Wayne Siela would be on the next council agenda.  Benton County is taking a survey for hazard mitigation planning.  Please fill out this survey.  He will be discussing the Safetea-Lu grant with Superintendent Erickson and Fehr Graham Engineers.


Good & Welfare:  Large turn outs for Bingo at the Skate Center.  The North Benton Ambulance service is operating well.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.  Time:  8:40 p.m..



John R. Watson      Mayor


Attest:  ___________________________
Cindy Michael    City Clerk


Categories: 2015Meeting Minutes