AUGUST 23, 2018 7:00 PM
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Oath of Office for Police Officer Cory Nesbitt
4. Approve agenda
5. Consent Agenda
a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of August 9, 2018
b. Receive & file the Library Board meeting minutes of May 9th
c. Approve renewal of a class E liquor, w/class B wine & class C beer for Fareway
d. Approve renewal of a class C liquor license w/Sunday sales for Ron-Da-Voo
6. Receive and file communications, petitions or remonstrances
a. VSCSD letter
b. Braille School Committee letter
7. Committee Reports
8. Citizen’s Input
9. Old Business
a. Public hearing on nuisance abatement, Jim Gill property owner
b. Public hearing on nuisance abatement, Wayne & Barb Merchant owners
c. Public hearing on proposed annexation for St. Mary ground
d. Consider resolution assenting to the annexation of certain real estate to the City
e. Public hearing on proposed annexation of VSCSD ground
f. Consider resolution assenting to the annexation of certain real estate to the City
g. Approve resolution setting date for public hearing on 2018 amendment to urban
renewal plans for Vinton Renewal Areas
h. Third consideration and adoption of an ordinance amending provision pertaining to
traffic regulations
i. Third consideration and adoption of an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to
alcoholic beverage control
j. Third consideration and adoption of an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to
cigarette and tobacco permits
k. Consider ordinance amending provisions pertaining to operation of snowmobiles
and all-terrain vehicles
l. Discuss garbage/recycling collection of larger apartment complexes
w/J & R Sanitation & Vinton Park Apartments
m. Discuss/consider J & R Sanitation management plan
n. Approve resolution approving Community Catalyst & Building Remediation Grant
o. Letter to IEDA, ref Hobart Historic Restoration
p. Letter of intention for working with Hobart Historic Restoration
q. Consider Presbyterian Church handicap parking
r. Other old business
10. New Business
a. Approve resolution to transfer from Emergency Fund to General Fund
b. Review memo regarding Vinton Fiber Optic Engineering Study
c. Consider disposal of 2 police vehicles, Toyota Tundra & Toyota Camry
d. Consider sidewalk reimbursement for 504 6th Ave, David Backes
e. Other new business
11. Reports
12. Good & Welfare 13. Adjournment
Council Minutes 11-25-24
COUNCIL MEETINGNOVEMBER 25, 2024 A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 25th day of November 2024 in City Hall Council Chambers. Mayor Maynard presided with the following Council Read more…