MARCH 18, 2021

A special meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 18th day of March, 2021 at 7:00pm in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Maynard presided with roll being called the following Council Members were present and absent: Present – Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark. Absent – None.

Motion by Edwards to approve the agenda, second by Elwick. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Stark, second by Edwards to approve the RFP for employee benefits for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021. Question: Ayes – All. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The document will be released on March 22, 2021 with submissions due by 4:30pm on April 1, 2021.

Being no other business before the City Council, motion by Parr, second by Stark to adjourn the meeting. Question: Ayes – All. The motion carried. Time: 7:10pm.

Categories: 2021