DECEMBER 22, 2021

The City Council of the City of Vinton, Iowa met in regular session on Wednesday, December 22, 2021 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 110 W 3rd Street with the following members in attendance:

Present: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Absent: None

Due to COVID-19, the meeting was also held electronically via Zoom.

Mayor Maynard called the meeting to order.

Motion by Edwards, second by Gates to approve the agenda as presented. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Edwards, second by Gates to approve the consent agenda as presented. Approved unanimously. Items on the consent agenda are to receive & file Council meeting minutes of December 9, 2021, approve city invoices, approve airport invoices and approval of a class c liquor license for American Legion Post 57.

Communications, Petitions & Remonstrances

Residents are questioning whether the garbage and recycling are being dumped into the same compartment on the garbage truck. A video of the same truck style will be shared on social media.

Committee Reports – None

Citizens Input – John Watson, 210 W 8th Street voiced concern over the proposed resolution to establish premium pay for essential City of Vinton employees. Watson stated that while it was a noble idea, the extra work during the pandemic is no different than natural disaster cleanup and shouldn’t be warranted.

Old Business

Motion by Stark, second by Edwards to approve the third consideration of Ordinance 1068 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to the boundaries of the wards/precincts of the City of Vinton, Iowa. Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to adopt Ordinance 1068 – an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to the boundaries of the wards/precincts of the City of Vinton, Iowa. Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

New Business

Mayor Maynard opened the public hearing for rezoning application (Arbuckle). After no comments, the Mayor closed the public hearing.

Motion by Stark, second by Gates to approve the first consideration of Ordinance 1069 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending the official zoning district map of the City (Arbuckle). Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. The designation of the property would be changed from R-1 (single-family) to agricultural.

Motion by Stark, second by Edwards to waive the second consideration of Ordinance 1069 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending the official zoning district map of the City (Arbuckle). Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Edwards, second by Elwick to waive the third consideration of Ordinance 1069 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending the official zoning district map of the City (Arbuckle). Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Edwards, second by Pflughaupt to adopt Ordinance 1069 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending the official zoning district map of the City (Arbuckle). Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Mayor Maynard opened the public hearing for rezoning application (Showers). After no comments, the Mayor closed the public hearing.

Motion by Hessenius, second by Gates to approve the first consideration of Ordinance 1070 –  an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending the official zoning district map of the City (Showers). Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. The designation of the property would be changed from R-1 (single-family) to agricultural.

Motion by Stark, second by Pflughaupt to waive the second consideration of Ordinance 1070 –  an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending the official zoning district map of the City (Showers). Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Gates, second by Hessenius to waive the third consideration of Ordinance 1070 –  an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending the official zoning district map of the City (Showers). Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Hessenius, second by Elwick to adopt Ordinance 1070 –  an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending the official zoning district map of the City (Showers). Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Gates, second by Stark to approve the first consideration of Ordinance 1071 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the City of Vinton, Iowa by amending provisions pertaining to zoning regulations. Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. The recommendation has been approved by the planning and zoning commission.

Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to approve a resolution to approve reimbursement to Vinton Braille School LLC from the Iowa Vacant Building Demolition Fund Grant Award. Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark.

Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to approve a resolution to request payment for a Community Development Block Grant. Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. This is payment for the homebuyer program that is being facilitated by East Central Iowa Council of Government.

Motion by Hessenius, second by Edwards to approve a resolution to establish premium pay for essential City of Vinton employees using funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Eligible employees must be employed fulltime between January 27, 2020 to December 31, 2020 and must be currently employed with the City. The one-time payment amount is $500.00 less standard deductions.

Motion by Gates, second by Elwick to approve a resolution approving senior police officer designation for Officer Wes Meyer. Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. Chief Paxton is recommending the designation for Meyer as he’s been employed for over 5 years, meets all the criteria and is an explementary officer.

Motion by Gates, second by Hessenius to approve the purchase of one gearbox for the wastewater treatment plant clarifier from Evoqua in the amount of $38,000. Approved by the following votes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Pflughaupt, Stark. One clarifier is down without this new gearbox and the 2nd clarifier is rough condition as well.

Motion by Gates, second by Edwards to approve the Vinton Veterans Memorial Airport Capital Improvement Plan. Approved unanimously. Approval is needed in order for federal funding to continue. The Airport Commission did make some adjustments to the priority list of projects.


City Administrator Ward reported budget work is progressing with the department heads. An application for West 1st Street has been submitted to ECICOG for future funding. Ward will set some dates for budget work sessions.

Street Superintendent Meyer reported crews are trimming trees in zone 3. Around 20 trees will be removed this winter. C and K Avenue street signs have been swapped out.

Police Chief Paxton reported the Holiday with a Cop event was fabulous and 72 children were part of the program. An offer has been extended for the open Sergeant position with a start date of January 24, 2022.

Water/Wastewater Superintendent Walker reported quotes will be gathered for repair of the 2nd clarifier at the WWTP.

Parks & Recreation Director Boggess reported the Rec Center has been busy. The Deck the House contest has ended and winners were announced last week. The Winter Carnival is coming up.

Building Inspector Hansen reminded council of the work session on January 13, 2022 to discuss a schedule of fines for municipal infractions. Progress on the steam plant appears halted. Hansen is still waiting on the structural report for the Seed House.

Mayor Maynard gave kudos to the participants in the Deck the House contest – the participation was great! Maynard thanked Edwards for his service on the Council, he will be greatly missed.

Good & Welfare

Merry Christmas!

With no other business before the council, motion by Stark, second by Gates to adjourn the meeting. Approved unanimously. Time: 8:20pm.

Categories: 2021Meeting Minutes