110 W 3RD Street
6:30 PM

  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. Approve meeting minutes of the March 12, March 19 and March 26 meetings
  3. Approve invoices
  4. Receive & file communications, petitions or remonstrances
  5. Approve agenda
  6. Citizen’s input
  7. Old Business
    a. Broadband Status:
    Resolution to approve initial user rates
    Resolution on Electric Revenue Loan Agreement
    Approve VMEU & VMCU respective CIPs
    Status on financial analysis/timeline
    Status report on partnerships with CFU, ImOn, & WIN
    Status on sales/customer service site.
    Status on positions needed to operate sales/customer service office
    b. Status of open line person job opening.
    c. Consider monthly energy adjustment
  8. New Business
    a. Approve resolution to adopt reporting policy for federal project grants
    b. Approve resolution to approve purchasing policy
    c. Approve resolution adopting policy regarding conflict of interest
    d. Receive & file March financial report
    e. Business looking for 5 acres – updated info
    f. Generation Plant – East “high bay” roof re-coat
  9. Reports
  10. Adjournment
Categories: 2019AgendaVMEU