VINTON CITY HALL 110 W 3rd Street 5:00 PM

  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. Approve meeting minutes of the February 12th meeting
  3. Approve invoices
  4. Receive & file communications, petitions or remonstrances
    a. Letter from Taxpayers Protection Alliance
    b. Letter from Columbia Telecommunications Corporation
  5. Approve agenda
  6. Citizen’s input
  7. Old Business
    a. Approve construction management agreement with Farr Technologies
    b. Approve financial review agreement with Kielkopf Advisory Services
    c. Approve General Manager to engage marketing agreement(s)
    d. Status on financial analysis/timeline
    e. Status report on partnerships with CFU & ImOn
    f. Status on sales/customer service site
    g. Status on positions needed to operate sales/customer service office
    h. Status of open line person job opening
    i. Receive & file the audit report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2018
    j. Consider monthly energy adjustment factor
  8. New Business
    a. Receive & file February financial report
    b. Consider contribution to MuniPAC
    c. Consider special meeting in March for additional financial update
    d. Discussion on business seeking acreage
  9. Reports
  10. Adjournment
Categories: 2019AgendaVMEU