OCTOBER 10, 2017
A regular meeting of the Vinton Municipal Electric Board of Trustees was held on the 10th day
of October, 2017, at 5:00 p.m., at the Line Distribution Office, Vinton, Iowa. Chairman
Woodhouse presided and the roll being called the following board members were present and
absent: Present: Anderson, Barron, Woodhouse. Absent: Elwick, Kremer.
Motion by Anderson, second by Barron to approve the minutes of the September 12th meeting.
Question: Yes – All. The Chairman declared the motion carried.
Elwick and Kremer joined the meeting.
Motion by Kremer, second by Barron to approve invoices in the amount of $309,450.31.
Question: Yes – All. The Chairman declared the motion carried.
Motion by Elwick, second by Anderson to approve the agenda. Question: Yes – All. The
Chairman declared the motion carried.
Kurt Karr reported on the iVinton progress. They are asking for volunteers from the
community with a variety of experiences and interests to serve on five different committees,
capitalization, partnerships, economic development, marketing and smart grid. A community
meeting is planned for Oct. 25th. He and Richtsmeier met with ImOn representatives. The
telecommunications utility could have multiple business partners.
General Manager Richtsmeier reported the generation plant employee is off work yet with a 5
pound weight lifting restriction.

Richtsmeier stated that Vinton has received a final FEMA report regarding last year’s flood.
The report shows flood mitigation alternatives with a variety of costs. Relocating the fire station
is the quickest and least costly option.
Motion by Woodhouse, second by Anderson to approve an energy adjustment factor of 1.08
cents per kWh for October billings. Question: Yes – All. The Chairman declared the motion
Richtsmeier reported that a security light was removed from a property at the owner’s request.
Motion by Woodhouse, second by Barron to receive and file the September revenue and
expenditure report. Question: Yes – All. The Chairman declared the motion carried.
SEPT. 2017 Begin. Balance Revenues Expenses Transfers End. Balance
Operating 3,293,071.94 486,429.73 383,188.09 0.00 3,396,313.58
Cap. Improvement 2,234,786.92 272.51 0.00 0.00 2,235,059.43
Self Insurance 750,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 750,000.00
6,277,858.86 486,702.24 383,188.09 0.00 6,381,373.01
General Manager Richtsmeier reported on: 1) line crew working on various projects. 2) repairs
were done to engines #7 and #8. MISO requested generation in September. 3) attended a broad
band conference. 4) safety training events on high voltage and blood borne pathogens. 5)
distribution building has roof leaks.
Secretary reported 1) auditors were at City Hall last week. 2) inquiry has been made to Incode,
software company, about splitting out the base electric meter charge on bills. It is possible to do
this, but there would be a fee and they did not know yet how much the fee would be.
Motion by Woodhouse, second by Kremer to adjourn the meeting. Question: Yes – All. The
Chairman declared the motion carried. Time: 6:10 p.m.
Dr. Alan S. Woodhouse Chairman
Attest: _______________________
Cindy Michael Secretary