The City Council of the City of Vinton, Iowa met in regular session on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 110 W 3rd Street with the following members in attendance:

Present: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr

Absent: Stark

Due to COVID-19, the meeting was also held electronically via Zoom.

Mayor Maynard called the meeting to order.

Motion by Hessenius, second by Parr to approve the agenda as presented. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Edwards, second by Elwick to approve the consent agenda as presented. Approved unanimously. Items on the consent agenda are to receive & Council meeting minutes of August 26 & 30, 2021, receive & file Airport Commission meeting minutes of August 18, 2021, approve City invoices, approve Library invoices and approve the Class B Beer Permit for the Old Hospital Pub.

Communications, Petitions or Remonstrances

Positive comments have been received about opening up the parking on the south side of 13th Street and the opening of the 6th Street and 2nd Avenue intersection from the street construction projects.

Committee Reports – No committee reports

Citizens Input – No citizens input

Old Business

Motion by Edwards, second by Hessenius to approve the third and final consideration of an Ordinance 1059 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to alcoholic beverage control. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr.

Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to adopt the above stated ordinance. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr. The Mayor declared Ordinance 1059 adopted.

Motion by Edwards, second by Elwick to approve the third and final consideration of Ordinance 1060 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to public disorder. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr.

Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to adopt the above stated ordinance. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr. The Mayor declared Ordinance 1060 adopted.

Motion by Edwards, second by Elwick to approve the third and final consideration of Ordinance 1061 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by adding provisions pertaining to low-speed bicycles and fully controlled-access facilities.

Motion by Elwick, second by Edwards to adopt the above stated ordinance. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr. The Mayor declared Ordinance 1061 adopted.

Motion by Edwards, second by Hessenius to approve the third and final consideration of Ordinance 1062 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to abandoned vehicles. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr.

Motion by Elwick, second by Hessenius to adopt the above stated ordinance. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr. The Mayor declared Ordinance 1062 adopted.

New Business

Motion by Parr, second by Hessenius to approve the first consideration of Ordinance 1064 – an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to water rates. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr. The proposed ordinance will increase tag and turn on fees as a result of disconnection.

Motion by Gates, second by Hessenius to approve a resolution authorizing and approving a loan agreement, providing for the sale and issuance of Taxable General Obligation Wastewater Improvement Bonds, Series 2021A, and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr. Total amount of the bond is $1,340,000.00 for the purchase of property for the waste water treatment plant extension. The ten year bond is at an interest rate of 1.43% and could be paid back early with the use of American Rescue Act Funds if desired.

Motion by Parr, second by Gates to approve a resolution to approve reimbursement to Vinton Braille School LLC from the Iowa Vacant Building Rehabilitation Fund Forgivable Loan Award. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr.

Motion by Elwick, second by Parr to approve a resolution to approve reimbursement to Vinton Braille School LLC from the Iowa Vacant Building Demolition Fund Grant Award. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr.

Motion by Parr, second by Hessenius to approve a quote for exterior cleaning of the east water tower by National Wash Authority. Motion failed by the following votes: Nays: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr. Council directed Superintendent Walker to gather quotes for inspection and painting of the tower instead of just cleaning.

Mayor Maynard left the meeting.

Motion by Edwards, second by Elwick to approve change order #7 for the street improvement project. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr. The change order is for additional work for pavement and water service replacement on 9th Street.

Motion by Edwards, second by Gates to approve pay app #5 from Boomerang for street improvement work. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Parr; Nays: Hessenius. Estimated timeframe for completion of the project is by the end of September.

Mayor Maynard returned to the meeting.

Motion by Edwards, second by Elwick to participate in the new IAMU Iowa Safety Education Program (ISEP). Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr. The current safety group (HISS) will be dissolved on December 31, 2021 with ISEP as the replacement group.

As follow-up from the work session on August 26, 2021, Building Inspector Hansen has provided a proposed amendment to the Code of Ordinances Chapter 155 regarding frost footing protections for detached accessory buildings. The amendment would allow for an exemption from frost footings in certain situations. An ordinance will be drafted for the next council meeting.

Council Members reviewed the results of the informal survey conducted about the traffic lights on 4th Street. Approximately 67% of the 550+ respondents were in favor of keeping the traffic lights. Over 150 additional comments were provided regarding other intersections, traffic patterns and the schedule of the lights. No action was taken.

A public hearing for rezoning portions of the IBSSS property from R-3 Multi Residential to B-1 Commercial is set for October 14, 2021 at 7:00pm in City Hall. The rezoning request has already been considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission.


City Administrator Ward reported the Electric Board of Trustees is considering selling a portion of the land they own on the southwest side of town. A rezoning request may be in front of the council in the near future. Ward will be attending the Iowa League of Cities conference next week.

Water Superintendent Walker reported crews are working on replacing fire hydrants.

Parks & Recreation Director Boggess reported the pool closed for the year but the splash pad is still open. Participation in fall programming has been outstanding. A fence has been installed around the splash pad.

Building Inspector Hansen reported a search warrant has been executed at the Seed House in order to properly document the condition of the building. Hansen continues to do site checks on the former Steam Plant property. Hansen estimates the owner, Kindl, is approximately 50% through the project benchmarks he supplied the City.

City Clerk Schwan reported that paperwork to run for Mayor or Council Member in the November election is due back to her by 5pm on September 16.

With no other business before the council, motion by Hessenius, second by Edwards to adjourn the meeting. Approved unanimously. Time: 8:30pm.