AUGUST 26, 2021

The City Council of the City of Vinton, Iowa met in regular session on Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 110 W 3rd Street with the following members in attendance:

Present: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark
Absent: None

Due to COVID-19, the meeting was also held electronically via Zoom.

Mayor Maynard called the meeting to order.

Motion by Gates, second by Stark to approve the agenda as presented. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Edwards, second by Gates to approves the consent agenda as presented. Approved unanimously. Items on the consent agenda are to receive & file council meeting minutes of August 12 & 19, 2021, approve city invoices and approve library invoices.

Communications, Petitions or Remonstrances
Council Member Gates has received comments that the Street Department has done an excellent job with the seal coating. Gates also heard concerns about the cleanup from the street construction project. As a reminder, the street project is not complete and crews are still in town working.

Council Member Edwards had heard concerns about the limited parking on 13th Street near Tilford.

Committee Reports
A work session was held prior to this council meeting to discuss the requirement for footings on detached garage structures built in town. Building Inspector Hansen suggested an exemption from the ICC that states garages up to 1,008 square feet not need frost footings. Hansen and Council will continue to gather feedback. An informal survey will be published regarding the 4th Street traffic lights. The police department will place a speed trailer at the intersection of 3rd Street and 1st Avenue.

Citizens Input
Mayor Maynard addressed the public concerns about the limited parking on 13th Street near Tilford. The police department and the school district have met to discuss alternatives to provide more parking opportunities. Council will consider amending the ordinance to allow parking on the south side at a special council meeting on August 30, 2021.

Kord Sellers, 1307 B Avenue, spoke to the council regarding readings of ordinances and how much information is to be read during the council meetings.

Old Business
Motion by Gates, second by Hessenius to approve the second consideration of an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to alcoholic beverage control. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark.

Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to approve the second consideration of an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to public disorder. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark.

Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to approve the second consideration of an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by adding provisions pertaining to low-speed bicycles and fully controlled-access facilities. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark.

Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to approve the second consideration of an ordinance amending the code of ordinances by amending provisions pertaining to abandoned vehicles. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark.

Motion by Stark, second by Edwards to approve change order #7 for the South Trail improvements in the amount of $21,040.00. The change order costs will be shared with the school and the Fletchner trust for the added farm drives and the ADA ramps. The work will be completed by Baker Enterprises, not City of Vinton employees so as not to jeopardize the warranty on the trail.

Motion by Gates, second by Stark to receive and file the FY19/20 audit report. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark. There was an error on the previous report that was corrected by the auditors.

New Business
Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to approve a resolution setting the date for sale of General Obligation Wastewater Improvement Bonds, Series 2021A and authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connecting therewith. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark. Sealed bids for the purchase on the Bonds will be accepted until 9:30am on September 9, 2021.

Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to approve the request from the Vinton Cruise Committee for street closures for the annual car cruise to be held on Saturday, September 11, 2021. Approved unanimously. First and Second Avenue and 4th Street surrounding the courthouse will be blocked off. Registration is 12-4pm with the Cruise beginning at 4pm.

Motion by Gates, second by Stark to approve the request from the Vinton Shellsburg Student Senate for street closures for the homecoming parade on Thursday, September 30. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Stark, second by Elwick to appoint Blake Hansen as the Flood Plain Manager. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark. Administrator Ward has previously filled this role but is now more appropriate for Hansen to fill the role as it relates to Code Enforcement and building.

Consensus of the Council was to recommend sending the rezoning request for portions of the Mary Ingalls Subdivision to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission will meet on August 31, 2021.

The Vinton Veterans Memorial Airport’s consulting engineer is currently Clapsaddle-Garber Associates (CGA) however there have ben significant staffing changes at CGA. Clapsaddle-Garber Associates has contracted another firm to help handle obligations and contracts. The City of Vinton did not sign off on the new contracted firm and according to the FAA, the City of Vinton can go out for bid again for a new consulting firm. The Airport Commission will also have to agree to this process. No action was taken.

The Vinton Municipal Electric Utility has updated their fee schedule for tag fees and reconnections. City Staff would like the water fees to match the electric fees. The existing ordinance would have to be updated. Consensus of the Council was to match the fee schedule. An ordinance will be drafted for the next council meeting.

City Administrator Ward reported the State of Iowa has dropped the milestone requirement from the forgivable loan and the demolition grant will have a reimbursement 45/55 split for the IBSSS project. Planning and Zoning will be meeting next Tuesday. Ward has been approached by Happy Time Child Development Center and a presentation to council is expected in the future. Ward has been communication with Mr. Arbuckle about rezoning his property on the edge of the City limits.

Street Superintendent Meyer reported they have about 6 blocks left to seal coat. Interviews will take place next week for the open position.

Parks & Recreation Director Boggess reported staff is working on closing things up for the summer as most of the summer staff is gone. Splash pad usage this summer was phenomenal. The glow trail has just been announced as winner of a national award. A formal announcement is coming.

Water Superintendent Walker reported crews are almost finished rodding sewers. More meter pits will be installed soon.

Police Captain Dickinson reported interviews will be conducted next week for the open officer position. Boomtown is this weekend. They have already received great cooperation from other agencies to help make the event safe.

Building Inspector Hansen reported building inspections are picking up. Forty junk vehicles have been moved and/or removed since April. Hansen has a search warrant for the Seed House to document the condition of the building.

City Clerk Schwan reported the City Hall doors have been installed. Paperwork is available for candidates interesting in being on the ballot in November.

Mayor Maynard asked the Council to consider a one-time bonus for City employees who worked full time during the pandemic.

Good & Welfare
Clean up of Café 218 has begun. Boomtown & Boom-Fest is this weekend.

With no other business before the council, motion by Hessenius, second by Parr to adjourn the meeting. Approved unanimously. Time: 8:50pm.

Categories: Meeting Minutes