The City Council of the City of Vinton, Iowa met in regular session on Thursday, July 22, 2021 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 110 W 3rd Street with the following members in attendance:

Present: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark

Absent: None

Due to COVID-19, the meeting was also held electronically via Zoom.

Mayor Maynard called the meeting to order.

Motion by Gates, second by Edwards to approve the agenda as amended with New Business Item 9g removed – approval of invoice for Robert B. Fischer Law Firm. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Hessenius, second by Edwards to approve the consent agenda as presented. Approved unanimously. Items on the consent agenda are to receive & file Council meeting minutes of July 8, 2021, receive & file Park & Recreation meeting minutes of May 13 and June 10, 2021, receive & file Airport meeting minutes of June 16, 2021, approve city invoices, approve library invoices, approve the renewal of a Class E liquor license for Casey’s General Store and approve the Class B beer permit for the Old Hospital Pub. Approved unanimously.

Communications, Petitions or Remonstrances – Council and the Mayor received an email communication from Kacie Patterson regarding concerns at the Vinton Public Library.

Council Member Gates has been in contact with Mr. Rommann regarding storm water drainage ditch clean up that was approved by the City Council several years ago.

Committee Reports – None

Mayor Maynard left the meeting.

Citizens Input

Darran Sellers, 1112 A Avenue presented concerns to the City Council regarding the splash pad project.

Mayor Maynard returned to the meeting.

Old Business

Mayor Maynard opened the public hearing for the proposal to enter into a General Obligation Wastewater Improvement Loan Agreement. After no comments, Maynard closed the public hearing.

Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to approve a resolution to enter into a General Obligation Wastewater Improvement Loan Agreement. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark.

Motion by Gates, second by Elwick to approve the proposal for the booster station project from Fehr Graham. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark. This project will involve installing a booster station at each water tower to assist with water pressure across the community including Anderson Creek Estates.

Blake Hansen, Building Inspector, reported work is progressing at the former IBSSS steam plant property. Several walls are demolished with bricks being hauled out. Appropriate fencing is in place to secure the hole. Hansen is waiting for the report from the structural engineer being the old steel is exposed. Hansen does not want to reconnect utilities until the “unsafe” status is lifted. Mayor Maynard had received a monthly schedule of expected work from Kindl.

New Business

Motion by Parr, second by Stark to approve a quote for a mini excavator for the Water Department. After discussion both council members withdrew their respective motions. Walker will look into Sourcewell pricing and bring the quotes back to council. Motion by Stark, second by Hessenius to table the item until the August 12 council meeting. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Gates, second by Elwick to approve the final invoice for Baker Enterprises for the South Trail improvements. After discussion both council members withdrew their respective motions. VPRD Director Boggess will follow-up with Baker for clarification on when the farm drive work is expected to be completed. Motion by Hessenius, second by Edwards to table the item until the August 12 council meeting. Approved unanimously.

Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to approve an invoice for Shive Hattery for the South Trail improvements. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Stark; Nays: Parr.

Mayor Maynard left the meeting.

Motion by Elwick, second by Edwards to approve change order #4 for the splash pad project. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Stark; Nays: Parr. This change order is a $1,000.00 decrease to the contract amount to address seeding issues.

Motion by Elwick, second by Gates to approve invoice #6 for the splash pad project. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark.

Motion by Edwards, second by Elwick to approve the certificate of completion and project acceptance for the splash pad project. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Parr, Stark. The only serious issue has been with the sensitivity of the original sensor to turn the features on. Two new sensors of a different style have been sent as replacements at no cost to the city.

Mayor Maynard returned to the meeting.

Dave Wessling from Iowa Land Management had submitted a proposal to manage the property the City purchased surrounding the sewer plant. Iowa Land Management previously managed the property. Wessling will attend the next council meeting to address any questions.

Motion by Gates, second by Stark to approve the plat of survey for 2nd Street and 8th Avenue. Approved by the following votes: Ayes: Edwards, Elwick, Gates, Hessenius, Stark; Nays: Parr. The property has been accepted by the Planning & Zoning Commission. The property owner wishes to building a small home on the lot.

Motion by Hessenius, second by Stark at approve the route for the Kiwanis Boomtown 5k on August 28, 2021. Approved unanimously.

Mr. Darryl McNeal, 102 G Avenue was present to appeal the nuisance violation received. Following the recommendation of Building Inspector Hansen, McNeals are awarded a 60-day extension to clean up the property beginning on July 23, 2021.

Motion by Stark, second by Gates to receive & file the FY20/21 Annual Report for the Vinton Public Library. Approved unanimously.

Mayor Maynard is recommending the appointment of Dave Gates, Ann Harrison, Erin Monaghan, Dean Schminke and Matthew Walston to the Vinton Library Board for varied terms. Approved unanimously.

A public hearing has been set for Saturday, July 31, 2021 at 8:00am to request reimbursement for COVID-19 equipment for Virginia Gay Hospital. A public hearing is required to request reimbursement.

Mayor Maynard read a proclamation declaring July as Park & Recreation month.


City Administrator Ward will be on vacation the first week of August. He will be meeting with Hobarts early next week.

Water Superintendent Walker will be rodding sewers next week as well as replacing valves and hydrants.

Parks & Recreation Director Boggess shared footgolf has been put in Kiwanis Park. Shade structures will be installed in Kiwanis. Attendance continues to be excellent at Farmers Market. Boggess wants to talk about the status of the slide at the pool again in the future.

Building Inspector Hansen is working on the southwest corner of the Alphagen property due to the unsafe concrete structure.

City Clerk Schwan shared the VMEU board has updated their service rules. Highlights will be identified in billing inserts in August. A final plat of the IBSSS campus is anticipated by the end of August.

Good & Welfare

The retention pond on the south side of town is holding water as it’s designed to.

The Street Department has begun spraying for mosquitos.

With no other business before the council, motion by Hessenius, second by Gates to adjourn the meeting. Approved unanimously. Time: 8:45pm.

Categories: 2021Meeting Minutes