Call to order and roll call

    Pledge of Allegiance

    Approve agenda

    Consent Agenda

    Receive & file Council meeting minutes of October 25, 2018

    Approve invoices

    Receive & file the October revenue/expenditure report

    Receive and file communications, petitions or remonstrances

    Committee Reports

    Citizen’s Input

    Old Business

    Public hearing on proposal to dispose of interest in real property, in Eastview Estates

    Consider resolution directing disposal of interest in real property to Todd Gloede

    Third consideration & adoption of an ordinance amending provisions pertaining to

    the charge for connecting to the sanitary sewer

    Third consideration & adoption of an ordinance providing for the division of taxes

    levied on taxable property in the 2018 amendment to the Vinton Consolidated

    Urban Renewal Area

    Consider resolution to adopting the Iowa Statewide Urban Standards for Public

    Improvements and the Iowa Statewide Urban Standard Specifications for Public

    Improvements Manuals

    Consider storm water drainage near S 2nd Avenue

    Discuss street improvements

    Discuss Heartland Strategies proposal for professional lobbying services

    Other old business

    New Business

    Receive & file the State Annual Urban Renewal report

    Receive & file the County TIF report

    Approve consulting services agreement with CGA for plant survey

    Consider agreement w/Fehr Graham Engineers for subdivision review

    Discuss sewer easement in Anderson Creek Estates

    Other new business


    Good & Welfare


    Categories: 2018AgendaCity Hall