AUGUST 22, 2019 7:00 PM

  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approve agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of August 8th
    b. Approve invoices
    c. Receive & file the Parks & Recreation Board meeting minutes of Aug. 8th
    d. Approve renewal of a class c liquor license for Ron-Da-Voo
    e. Receive & file the Library Board meeting minutes of July 10 and August 14
    f. Receive & file the July building inspector report
  5. Receive and file communications, petitions or remonstrances
  6. Committee Reports
  7. Citizen’s Input
    a. Consider request for high school home coming parade route on Sept. 26th
  8. Old Business
    a. Third consideration & adoption of an ordinance amending the official
    flood plain zoning map b. Consider resolution approving sub-lease with Wayne Siela c. Discuss nuisance abatements/process d. Discuss artwork on City Hall East Wall
  9. New Business
    a. Consider property tax statements b. Consider HACAP funding request c. Consider request for sidewalk reimbursement to Hesson Properties, 210 W 6th St d. Report on revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps e. Set date for business type activities committee meeting to discuss solid waste
  10. Reports
  11. Good & Welfare
  12. Adjournment