OCTOBER 26, 2023

A public works committee meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 26th day of October, 2023 at 6:00pm in City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. The following committee members were present: Elwick, Hessenius & Parmater. Mayor Maynard was also present.

Roger Rouse, the abutting property owner to the alley between B Avenue and C Avenue in the 700 block had previously spoken to City staff about drainage concerns in the alley. Rouse is willing to pay for the alley to be seal coated. Rouse would also like to tie some drainage tile into the storm sewer. The Street Department will talk with Rouse about putting a plan together for work to be done in the spring.

Doug & Susan Martens were present to discuss the storm water drainage located in the right of way at 1605 2nd Avenue. The ditch is very steep and tough to maintain. Martens are asking for a culvert to be installed in the ditch connecting the existing culverts and the rock filled in on top of the culvert. This would lessen the depth of the ditch making it easier to maintain and safer. The committee directed City Administrator to consult with Nate Kass for input and a recommendation.

Melissa Schwan, City Clerk